strange predicament:

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there I was.
hands covered in blood.
Looking down on the one who owned it,
his body lay stiff and cold, his head...his head dismembered, thrown upon a stick as to be paraded,
I looked around as my mind tried desperately to keep up with the rhythm of my heart, my head was empty yet aching, my vision blurred and unfocused.
the swarms of crowds cheering, celebrating what they thought to be a victory.
the man who committed the crime held the spike high up for the clusters to see, the crowds once again getting louder.
My face slowly turned back to see Sansa screaming as I knelt at the sight of her father who now lay dead at our feet...
'NED STARK IS DEAD!' shouted the man that held the axe.
'What have you done?' I whispered
suddenly everything went black..........

a song of snow and sand | MALE OC X ROBB STARK |Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum