"Tae...please...." Jungkook stammers in fear of losing. How the this misunderstanding, keep getting out of his desperate hands but he can't do anything because he's not allowed.

"Bloody betrayer, just how good you are at playing with someone's feelings......you're so cheap Jungkook...I never seen as manipulative and mess minded guy like you....-

In middle Jungkook gives another try to catch Taehyung but then again.

"Don't dare even touching me!! Stay the Fuck away!!" He received rather a harsh push that he ended up stumbling on his footsteps.

"Stop messing with my life."

Taehyung said as he grabs Jungkook by his collars and makes him stand on his feet.

"What did I even do to you huh! Why did I deserve this shit!!"

He was boiling with all kinds of negative emotions.

"Tae listen to me, you're taking me wrong....please stop, atleast give me a chance to explain, I swear everything will make sense after it...you're mistaking." And here Jungkook kept begging for one single chance for his explanation.

"Right...hehe I am mistaking. And your are so right...bastard, still trying to explain you're shit...impressive." Taehyung laughed mocking him.

"Noorae is not mine." Jungkook said sharply.

"So she's also one of your charities to show your wiseness?....you accused my father for his behaviour right?, blamed him for everything, when all along you are as fucked up as him!!.....called me an orphan with the audacity of doing same to that innocent child!!...manipulating that kid with you're sweet lies making her think you're a good father figure?....Shame on you!!."

At this rate something so wrong was burning inside their hearts, maybe Taehyung with broken trust and Jungkook with what, false accusation?

"I understand I was a play thing, but your daughter?...Noorae too....?" Taehyung said in asking tone.

"T-tae listen-

"...so you killed her mother...?"

"NO! T-Taehyung." Jungkook shouts feeling disturbed by the unsung past which is yet to reveal but Taehyung's not letting him anytime soon.

"Yes Jungkook."

"I was a plain stupid to even think you are different, a fucking moron to got trapped with your fakeness........you even dared adding something so pure like l-love in your act." Taehyung adds further.

"That sweet kisses and affection you gave me, our first time together when you never left me, kept showing up, made me restless and anxious, pushed me to spill those feelings----so stupid of me to even think that maybe----maybe you're really being honest, you played dirty with me at first but atleast you stayed----that made me think it was enough...but you proved me wrong, you can never be anyone's." Taehyung says as he tries to turn to leave, but Jungkook didn't let him.

"I will listen to everything hyung please---I want to tell you something about Noorae about her mother......about us." Jungkook said more like begged.

"You listen Jeon Jungkook...never, I repeat never show yourself infront of me...for the fucking debt I decline sleeping with you for money." Taehyung said.

"....hyung please-

"So if you want to throw me to brothel, go fucking ahead I don't care anymore." He whispered at the end of the sentence.

And with that Taehyung walks away from Jungkook despite his desperate pleads and begging, he kept calling Taehyung but his feet stayed grounded, they ran out of courage they just wanted to keep standing there then die.

That one night (BL)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن