2. Rain on the Inside

Start from the beginning

"Tighnari told me all about how the school works," Collei said as she pointed to various rooms. "That is the music room. There are three such rooms in this school. And that is the art room. Oh, and this room will be my favorite one!" Collei opened the double doors, which led to a wide mess hall.

"Mmh!" Lumine smelt the air. "Smells like pizza." She drooled, picturing herself eating one. Collei chuckled as she walked away from the doors.
"Hey, wait up!" Lumine jogged to catch up.

They walked out through a door to a yard as big as a soccer field. To the left and right were two-storied buildings. Collei said they were the dormitories for the second years and third years, respectively. In front of them was the impressive auditorium decorated with pale green paint and lush healthy bushes. Creepers climbed high onto its walls.

Lumine appreciated the amount of care and dedication to make this place as stress-free and green as possible.

Inside the extravagant hall, students sat on velvet red seats facing a stage. Everyone was buzzing with excitement. At last, a woman in a green and white frock stood on the stage and started to speak.

"Good morning, my dear students. We are gathered here today for the grand opening of this new school year. I am Katheryne, your vice principal of Akademia High School. Those admitted to this school mainly consist of students who have been given visions. They have the amibious powere and caliber to achieve great heights. This high school shall provide a foothold for those who would want to race to the top." She smiled brightly.

"Every school has its rules and regulations, so I request to head to them." As she said this, many students groaned.

"As you may have heard, you will be given dormitories. Those who are not interested can give a letter to the homeroom teacher. One dorm room is shared by two people. There, you would have a washroom and a small stove. If any extra furniture is needed, you may bring them to your room. However, anything you bring will be inspected by the school. Also note that your dorm mate will be shuffled every two months and is selected at random. If any trouble is caused by any of your dorm mates, please notify the homeroom teacher."

Katheryne gave a suspicious glance to the left of the hall. "Is that clear to all the second years?"

Lumine knew some people who fit that description. "Is she specifically mentioning Kaveh and Alhaitham?" She smirked while Collei giggled.

The vice principal sighed and continued. "Your timetables will be given to you by your homeroom teacher. In this school, there are a few special subjects that are not common in Teyvatian schools. You will learn the reactions of elements in depth and the necessary methods to control your elemental energy. This subject is mandatory for all students with visions. Those without will be sent to learn first aid. Think hard about what you want to do in the future and choose your electives."

" I would also address that any form of vulgar behavior is strictly prohibited in and out of school grounds. Please refrain from using elemental powers against students. If any situation arises, you can notify the student councilor, Nahida."

There were whispers around the hall. "Wasn't Nahida the mayor?" Lumine thought out loud.

"I heard rumors that she gave up the position of mayor to a couple of individuals and took up this job. Im not sure, though." Collei mumbled back.

Katheryne cleared her throat. "I shall not waste any more of our time. Study hard, and you will ace the tests. Toppers will be chosen monthly, and medals will be awarded. The new student council will be elected in a month. Interested students may approach the homeroom teacher. For any more inquiries, seek advice from your teachers. Thank you, and I wish you all the very best."

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