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Haven's dress

As per my belief, marriage is one of the most pure and strongest bonds between two people. Being tied together with vows of till death do us part. Finding a true companion in that one person with whom you can share all your happiness, insecurities, failure and all the roses and thorns that life throws under your feet.

My parents have always been my ideal couple. Seeing them in their 35 years of blissful marriage, supporting and loving each other every step of the way, I always wished to have such love and companionship in my relationship. So, after a few broken relationships, I decided to have an arrange marriage in the hopes of finding love after marriage like my parents.

A month ago, my parents announced that they have found a perfect suitor for me, Sawyer Scott. He was the son my father's business associate.

I just met him twice before our wedding. Once at a restaurant on a date that our parents arranged and another time at his parents' place to decide about the wedding. Sawyer is a wildlife photographer. Every time he talked about his job, his eyes used to shine brightly, and he seems so passionate about it. He told me all the places he had been, and every tour was exceptional to him. After meeting him I hoped that he might be my one true companion.

A hard knock on the door broke my train of thoughts. I was sitting in front of the mirror in a white dress ready to start for my new life. My parents and his entered the room with a dejected look.

Sawyer's father came towards me and handed me a note.

I'm sorry. I can't do this.

I look towards his mother who has now started crying hysterically and that hope cracked inside me. Dan said, " I am so sorry. I did not have any idea Sawyer could do any such thing."

He turned to my father and said, "All our business partners, investors, media, everyone is waiting outside. This would ruin our reputation and loose investments. Such scandals can easily ruin our companies." Saying this he started pacing in the room.

"What should we do Maxwell? My own fucking son back stabbed me. I asked him before if he is ready for this. And now he ran away, putting my business and my reputation on stake." The way he was speaking scared me, Did the shock affect him that much. Was he worried about his son or business?

"Dan calm down, we will find some solution. Don't lose hope, we will make everything right." Dad made him sit on the couch and handed him a glass of water to drink. "Hope, yes. She can help us." He stood at once and moved towards his wife.

"Serena, go bring Hope here right now." Nodding her head Mrs. Scott left the room in a hurry.

"Dan what are you thinking? How can Hope help us in this situation, she is just a kid." Dad asked Mr. Scott seeming a bit confused.

"We can marry Hope and Haven. People are here for Scott-Smith wedding, we will give them that. In this way we will save face.

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