"Then ? Did she harrsed you ??" Jimin asked worriedly.

"No-no hyung she didn't"

"Bu-but when sh-she finds out i was pregnant. S-she made me do difficult house- choreos."

"Whatt?? How can she??"

"S-she blame on me t-that the children's in my womb were not taeyhung's."jungkook sighed

"Taehyung try to understand me. I saw him with my own eyes" mrs.kim said to taeyhung who was sitting on couch of his room while drinking alcohol, and two-months of pregnant jungkook standing infront of taeyhung , crying , holding his baby bump.

"Taeyhung if you don't belive you can ask from your aunti" mrs.kim said again when he saw taeyhung didn't even looked at her but fully concertration on filling his glass with alcohol again.

"Yes taehyung son. I saw this boy , he was hugging with another man" mrs.choi said immidietaly agreeing in mrs.kim while side eyeing a crying jungkook , who's just standing in front of taehyung and who's sitting on couch like king and mrs.kim standing left side of taeyhung's couch.

"Hey you. Why you're not speaking huh??" Suddenly a girl's voice made jungkook flinched.

"How would he speak lily. Cheaters don't have any answer. And what you was even excepting from a middle-class family boy like him?" Mrs.kim said smirking and sending death glares to jungkook who was silently crying there , speaking nothing.

"Taehyung I've told you before. You shouldn't marry someone like jungkook who's just behind your money. You should marry someone like Lilly" mrs.kim said to taehyung who's too busy while drinking but still she starts talking rubbish about jungkook and praising lily infront of jungkook.

"My taehyung is so innocent. He can't even touch someone like him. It's probably that his boyfriend whom he was hugging while hiding" Mrs.kim again said with her piercing jungkook with her gaze. And jungkook was crying mess because they all are blaiming him to cheat on his husband . They are saying that the two babies that he is carrying isn't taeyhung's. And there was taehyung he wasn't even looking at jungkook making him more cry. Taehyung wasn't speaking anything to thses ladies who are insulting and blaiming jungkook. Jungkook have held his pink loose shirt in his hands tightly, feeling like dying they are just insulting his character. Jungkook haven't even thought about another man then how can he even slept with anyone else than taehyung. Jungkook knows taehyung isn't talking anything yet but if he talks none of these ladies would not be able to say any another word again.

"Mom , aunti and you girl. You three ladies have to not worry about him cheating on me mom" taehyung said with deep voice , eyes getting close.

"Because he cheat on me with ME."

"And about getting him pregnant.?"

"We have sex" taehyung said proudly smiling, eyes closing , full drunked. Three of the women have dropped their jaw. How directly he said this without any shame and hesitation. And jungkook have palmed his mouth. That's why he sometimes fear of taeyhung being silent because next time is everyone's jaw is on floor.

"You know how? I put my baby inside my baby and filled my baby with many of my babies and now my baby is carrying two babies between of them" taeyhung said showing his boxy smile , talking like baby and showing V sign as 'two' in the last. Three of ladies have eyes widened like they have seen any ghost. And jungkook ? He is embarrsed , shy and want to laugh at same time after watching face of those intelligent ladies. That's why he said if taeyhung speaks once then nobody would able to speak anymore again.

"One more thing. One more thing" taeyhung opened his eyes immidietaly and stand up from his couch and starts walking towards jungkook who was standing in front of him steps away in maybe proud look but taeyhung wasn't able to wmsaw anything. Everything was blurry but jungkook's scent was taking him towards him. He wasn't able to walk properly even for few steps but he managed to go towards jungkook and trapped but jungkook hold him immidietaly.

"Taee" jungkook held him from his shoulder immidietaly.

"Hm ish oky baby mamma" taeyhung said looking into jungkook's eyes trying to open his closed eyes again and again.

"Mommmm , you old lady and you bad looking girl , you thinks taetae ish innocent right???" Taehyung said in his taetae voice while pointing at all of the women, first mrs.kim then mrs.choi and then lily.

"Look here" taehyung turned to jungkook and smiled at him, not able to stand on his feet so jungkook was holding him from his shoulder. And next moment jungkook gasped when he felt his right side of shirt is going down. Taehyung have slided jungkook's right shoulder of shirt down and making all the three women who was already not coming from latest shock again went to shock. When they saw how jungkooks neck , his collarbone and half nipple of jungkook that was almost showing his filled up with hickies. And making jungkook flinched again taehyung again starts sucking his neck infront of three villians of story.

"Please dear ladies. Give my wife and me some privacy" taeyhung said stoping in between sucking jungkooks neck. And embarrsed mrs
Kim immidietaly walk away from there and mrs.choi behind them , she held her daughter's wrist harshly who was still looking at taekook with blank eyes , and made her get outside off room leaving couple behind.

Taehyung stopped immidietaly when he felt absence of another's behind him.

"Taee" taehyung looked down at jungkook and saw crying jungkook. He hugged him tightly who hugged him back with same way.

"Kookie you thinks tae would bear insult of my kookie?" He asked to crying jungkook. He was drunk but he know how afraid jungkook was even without looking at jungkook.

"I know my tae. He can never let anyone talk bad about me" jungkook said kissing taeyhung's forehead who lowerd his head to let his kookie kiss him.

"Nooo I want kissie here too" taeyhung said pointing at his lips making jungkook shy. But jungkook didn't think about anything else and smashed his lips with taehyung's even though taehyung was drunk and jungkook can taste it on his lips but he don't care.

Jimin smiled when he saw jungkook was smiling and blushing to himself while rembering his old memories with taehyung.

"And then??? Did she accept herslef as looser??" Jimin asked again wanting to know more and more about taekook.


"She didn't. Then she tried most dirtiest way to make taehyung accepting lily"
Jungkook sighed loudly remembering those heartbreak moments.

"Whatt she did??" Jimin asked eagerly.


(*jungkook sat on head holding his forehead* actually it was 'jungkook sat on bed holding his forehead' .. I'm embarrassed )

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