Chapter 7

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It was daytime finally. It's a good things it's Sunday, because everyone really needed a break.

Toy Chica had came in, exclaiming about how Mangle and Foxy kissed. I had just laughed. "I never thought Foxy would do it." I said.

Chica shook her head. "Well, he did!" Chica said as she sat down next to Toy Bonnie.

The doorknob started to jiggle, and everyone grew quiet and still.

The door opened up to an employee, who came in with two other people. One pointed at Bonnie, then they all scooped him up and carried him out of the room.

When I was sure they were gone for Good, I looked at Chica. "What the heck?" I said.

Chica shook her head. "I don't know." She looked nervous.

I sighed, realizing what was happening.


After a while, I drew back a bit from Mangle's grasp, just enough to see all of her face. "We should probably go see the others."

Mangle sighed. "Do we have to?" She said, sounding sad.

"Well, no. But don't ye think they're wondering where we are?"

"I bet they are.." Mangle said, stepping away from me.

I felt sad when she did, but then she came closer to me, and I put my arm around her.

We walked towards the door, and I opened it, putting Mangle before me as we stepped out near the stage.

I turned to look at the stage, and saw what I didn't expect to see.

"What're ye guys doin' up thar?" I asked.

Toy Freddy looked at me. "They just... Put us out here and the others in the back."

I was surprised, but I didn't know what to say.

Mangle looked surprised too.

"Okay..." I said, pulling Mangle with me. "Let's go to me Cove."

Mangle smiled.

I lead her towards my exhibit, and took her behind the curtains.

There were shelves with pirate antiques on them, like hats and hooks.

I pulled Mangle over to the hooks. I picked one up, and put it on her hand.

"Aaarrrrgh! Ye're a pirate now, lassie!" I said, putting up my own hook next to hers.

Mangle laughed. "Aargh!"

I started to laugh too. When we stopped, our eyes met.

Mangle wrapped her arms around my neck.

I blushed as my arms slid around her waist. I pulled her closer to me, our bellies touching.

She smiled up at me, beginning to blush too.

I leaned into her, kissing her gently.

Mangle kissed back. It seemed like we couldn't get enough of each other at the moment.

I pushed her to a wall, and my arms flew up to the side of her head as I was kissing her.

Both of us finally pulled away, and took a breath.

"Whoa..." Mangle said, opening her eyes and looking up at me.

"Sorry.." I said, stepping back.

"No no, it's fine!" Mangle insisted, reaching out to me and pulling me back towards her.

"Ye sure..?"

"I'm sure."

I smiled. "In that case.." I grabbed her waist, kissing her again, just like before.

Mangle's eyes closed, and so did mine. We kissed for many seconds, then stepped back from each other.

Mangle smiled, letting go of me and picking up a pirate hat from the shelf.

"Aargh! Lad, come on over 'ere!" She said in a pirate accent, motioning with her hook to come.

I walked over to her, grabbing my own pirate hat, and sticking it on my head.

She took my hook with hers, and parted the curtain. She lead me out of my cove.

The Toys turned to look at us.

Chica was first to say something. "Geez, what went on in there?"

I blushed, looking away. "Nothing." I lied. "I was just showing her Pirate Cove."

Mangle looked at her. "Yeah, that's all."

"Ooookay!" Bonnie chimed in. "That's sure not what it sounded like though!"

I blushed, quite embarrassed that the toys could have possibly found out that we had a kissing session.

"Seriously, nothing went on!" She said, whisking me away towards a different area.

We were hand in hand.. Or should I say hook in hook as we walked towards the used to be Toys room.

I smiled, stopping to look at her. "Mangle..."


With that, she smiled, and pulled me into a hug.

I hugged back.

I really liked Mangle, more than I could ever imagine liking anyone. I felt so complete around her.

I liked the feeling of her liking me back.


(A/N Hey guys! I hope yall are enjoying the story! This chapter was pretty good in my opinion. I still liked Chapter 6 better though. The kissing scenes are fun to write! Tell me what yall think in the comments, and favorites are always appreciated! Thanks for reading my book so far!)

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