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Fate. Stars aligned. Whatever you want to call it. I was meant to run into her that day, I was meant to be on the same street, in the same place, at the same time. I want to take you to the start... I will be writing about my life as if it's happening in the present, even though most of this happened to me many years ago, I just think that'll be easier. Enjoy it or don't, I can't force you to like the way my life panned out, but given you've opened this book today, sat down with me and my life, I feel we were meant to meet too.

So... while this isn't a chapter and isn't even part of the story, I wanted to give you all a place to leave questions, or even a place for you to question me.
Thank you for clicking my cover, I know they're easy to judge..!


I want to leave a disclaimer here... all of this is fictional, some stories and parts may relate to my real life but I won't be disclosing which parts they are! Not all of the topics throughout this book are going to be "safe" there will be discussions of triggering topics but for these parts I will give trigger warnings! Please understand that this is fictional and, given it's my DR, most of it will be fluff and comforting, but unfortunately there are parts in which serious topics are discussed! I will add warnings accordingly :)

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