☆cereals & diets☆

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alphabetical order (this is for the people who eat at ours most mornings, not everyone is on this list)

Al - Nesquik Chocolate Cereal

Billie - Coco pops, multigrains and frosties (go to)

Bucky - Cornflakes with chocolate milk

Charlie - Coco pops, weetabix, cookie crunch (go to)

Clint - Shredded wheat

Debbie (Vegetarian) - Special K, Skinny Crunch (chocolate and marshmallow)

Cordelia (Vegetarian) - Porridge or muesli

Kate - Rice krispies, golden grahams, coco pop chocos

Lana (Restrictive because of Autism) - Weetabix mini banana with banana milk

Laura (Vegetarian) - Simply berries Alpen (muesli)

Lou - Not really a fan of cereal and normally opts for a smoothie bowl

Mallory - Cookies crisps, chocolate shreddies, frosties (go to)

Maria (Pescetarian) - Chocolate overnight oats (changes flavours every so often)

Melina (Vegan) - Cornflakes with sugar


Natasha - Reese's Puffs or S'mores crunch

Pepper (Vegetarian) - Porridge or Greek yoghourt bowls (with fruit etc)

Peggy (Pescetarian) - Honey cheerios or Special K

Peter - Pretty much anything chocolaty, he prefers cooked breakfasts though

Steve - Cap'n Crunch or Porridge (golden syrup) on mission days

Tammy (Vegan) - Porridge with either peanut butter or chocolate spread

Tony - Frosties or crunchy nut clusters with chocolate

Wanda - I have never known a woman to like so many different cereals, we have to get every single box out every morning for her to decide, it's actually quite ridiculous.

Yelena - Toast (they don't like cereal and Wanda finds this strange) 

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