Part 4

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In the following months, David hired a private tutor to come and help educate young Sil on the elements of planet Earth. Learning to read, do math, write, type. Many things that he would need to learn to do here in this lifetime.

The gargoyles taught him the principles of being part of a gargoyle clan. How to respect life and honor your elders and clan members. To protect those of your clan and in the city. He was also taught combat skills too. Training of that degree took place in the dojo inside on the mats.

Little Sil learned much about science from Lexington, leadership skills from Goliath, strategy tips from Brooklyn, cooking from Broadway, about a magical island from Angela, old ways and about tv from Hudson. Sil also became friends with Bronx. He liked to throw sticks with him out in the courtyard. But all the clan taught him gargoyle fighting skills, like how to trip people with his tail.

David and Fox also taught him about martial arts. Training was also done in the dojo. But it was kept from him about Owen being Puck, and Alex being able to have magical powers. It would be revealed one day, but it needed to wait longer.

Brooklyn wasn't sure if he remembered how old exactly his friend had said he was, but he remembered Lord Sil telling him Skeksis were long lived beings. Young Sil would outlive all of the gargoyles. He would be around for a long time. He could be part of the gargoyle clans in the far distant future, at least as long as some ignorant human didn't come along and do harm to him. Brooklyn pictured gargoyles of his bloodline being alive in the distant future, but it remained to be seen for whenever he found himself a mate.

And would this Skeksis even be able to reproduce when he got older? But likely, he would end up being alone. Even if he couldn't reproduce, Sil would be one unique creature to live among the gargoyle clans. Like an ambassador of sorts. The longer he was alive, the more stories he could tell.


While his education was going on, there had been one thing that hadn't gone on for a long time. It was getting little Sil to take a gliding trip around the city with his clan.

In truth, little Sil was really afraid of heights. He didn't want to leave the castle. But Brooklyn was the most insistent that he needed to learn to leave the safety of the castle sometimes.

"I don't want to get in the air, Brooklyn." Sil admitted. "It was too scary for me the first time!"

"Chamberlain, I know you're reluctant to do this, but there might come a time where the castle might fall under attack and gliding away might be our only ticket out, aside from you riding in Xanatos' helicopter. The more you practice getting the feel of riding with us in our arms or on our backs, the more you might learn to feel at ease. It takes a while to get used to, but after doing it for a long time, you never notice how scary it seemed before." Brooklyn explained. "That's how it was for us when we were younger, and how it is for Elisa."

"Can we practice with it around here first, not jumping off the high edges yet?" Sil questioned.

"Of course. I just want you to feel ready and comfortable to go gliding with us. Especially me." Brook told him. It would come in handy in the future.

Starting on the edge of the rooftop that overhang near the kitchen area, Brooklyn and Sil started to practice going off the rooftop there. It startled the young Skeksis at first to get the feel of the air being on him and the feeling of being in the air. Brooklyn made sure that his friend would say yes before he jumped off the roof.

Eventually, little Sil started to feel more at ease going off the roof, either in Brook's arms or on his back. Sil would wrap his arms around Brook's neck but not to where he was choking him when he was on his back. He would also wrap his legs around his belly. It might have been okay right now while Sil was small for him to ride in Brook's arms, but he would more than likely have to just ride on his back when he got older.

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