Chapter 1: Entrance Exam

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Fans of the series: This is an alternate universe where I have shuffled up the established character roster very slightly. However, unless I write a change to an established scene, the story will be unchanged from the original version of the manga/anime. This is mostly minor tweaks as the our MC is not taking over the show, he's just the center of his own story.


UA. The dream school for anyone who wanted to be a top rank pro hero. I could feel my whole body tremble as I stood outside the gates. Inside would be the most talented heroes and trainees imaginable. Powers like I had never seen before.

I couldn't help but feel the smile creep onto my face. So happy and excited that I couldn't stop shaking.

"All I have to do is pass whatever test they throw at me and I'll be almost there!" I said aloud.

Some students entering the grounds for orientation turn to look at me. Heh, oops. I smiled wider and ran my hand over the back of my thick white hair, its blue accents swaying in the front.

I was fairly late, so the majority of the applicants had already arrived. But, that's nothing new for me. I'm, unfortunately, used to being late. The campus was far larger than it looked from the pamphlets. The lecture hall they had us meet in was also drastically oversized, seating thousands of students. I wonder if these are just the hero course students?

The initiation mission was easy enough to understand; take down robots built for simulating combat. The bigger they are, the more points. That's what I had gathered anyway. It was hard to hear clearly with the boy a few rows in front of me muttering to himself.

"You there! Quit talking! Some of us are actually trying to become heroes!" Shouted a stocky boy with glasses.

We were also being sorted into groups, so this wasn't a free for all? That would give me better odds, but also benefit others with AoE (area of effect) quirks. They wanted to separate us as much as possible from anyone we knew well. Harder to evaluate two or more people as a team compared to singles. Also not a problem since I'm imported.

I snickered to myself at the thought of calling myself an "import" as if I were shipped in cargo all the way here. In reality I had just come on a whim, gambling on an outcome that makes me believe a brighter future is possible. It's no secret that UA is the most highly regarded hero school in the world, and I just know I can make it.

I clenched my fist, ready for the fight ahead.

-On the Field-

They had led us out of the hall and guided us onto buses bound for very large cityscapes surrounded by high walls. This was truly impressive if they built it just for training, since there are many fairly destructive quirks out in the world. I wonder how often it gets repaired.

I had lost all attentiveness and missed the entire introduction to the field. Probably nothing important. All I needed to do was hunt some killer robots. Again, I giggled at the thought.

I worked my way towards the front of the crowd, many happy to let me charge into the fray first. That's not very heroic behavior. Most of the people gathered in this group were also wearing athletic clothes designed for strenuous workouts or marathons, but I had showed up in just basketball shorts, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes. Does everyone here have physically manifested quirks? That would be an interesting coincidence, if I'm in fact the odd man out.

My thoughts wandered away again and were only brought around by a loud air horn sounding off alongside the tremendous clanging of the metal doors swinging open.

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