chapter one. ryan meets celine

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CHAPTER ONE ryan meets celine

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ryan meets celine


He went to his uncle's record store every day. Ryan loved that record store, he couldn't remember a day that he didn't spend it in there, looking and listening records. He founded so comforting. Like a scape of everything outside the glass vitrines.

He was there in Celine's very first day working at the store. He knew it was her first day, not only because he had never seen her around before, but because he saw how Danny, the owner, explained everything to Celine.

Ryan thought he had ever seen anyone as pretty as Celine. Sure, he knew many pretty people—friends and girls from school—, they're not rare, they are everywhere. And it wasn't like Celine had the drop dead gorgeous kind of features. Even if she was pretty, she wasn't any more special and mesmerizing that other pretty people could be. But there was something about her that made her so attractive. Her, so simple and effortless. She was magnetic. At least that's what Ryan thought.

Celine was just standing there, listening carefully to Danny's words. And Ryan felt completely hypnotized. He looked at her eyes, so blue he drowned.

He remembers so well the way she nodded when Danny spoke, biting her lower lip as a sign of concentration. How she constantly dragged a lock of hair behind her ear like a tic, as the it always fell back into her face. The way she leaned towards Danny, shyly, whenever he showed her something. The was she smiled at Danny's jokes. Her soft frown of confusion on her face all the time.

He never spoke to her. Never got the chance. Never dared. He didn't thought he was such a shy and introvert person, but when it came about Celine, he could barely breath properly when she was around. He thought maybe he shouldn't come back to the store, at least for a few days, maybe that will help him to put himself together. But it was like an addiction. Like Celine was the drug, and he was the addict. He had this terribly intense impulse to go to the store and observe her discreetly. Even if he tried to, he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Every time he looked at her, he imagined all the possible scenarios where he talk to her, but none seemed to come true.

He once tried. He thought about it all night. He memorized, line by line, everything he would say and how would he act. He was going to approach her asking for a record. And he really tried, but before he could take three steps in her direction, Danny came out of nowhere and stood in front of him.

"Ryan! Good to see you as always! You need help with something?" He asked with his typical cool-uncle tone he always used with Ryan.

"Um, yeah," he said, disappointed. "I can't find The Who's album Tommy," of course he almost screamed this last part so he can show off his music taste to Celine.

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