Chapter 4: Routine changes (Seasons)

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The sound of the alarm marked the end of Kalego's sleep, cutting through his rest and returning him to reality. The teacher slowly opened his eyes, while he moved his body gradually to gather energy for the day ahead.

The first thing he noticed was the lack of light in his room. Normally, there were always sunlight filtering through the large windows, illuminating the place slightly. However, this time there was none of that. Then, he felt a stronger wind than usual, prompting him to slightly cover himself with his arms. He got up once he finished stretching and approached his windows, observing a sky covered with white clouds accompanied by snowflakes falling from the sky.

Winter had begun.

The cliffs surrounding his apartment were starting to be covered with a thin layer of snow, while the Arctic wind made a huge presence outside. The perfect environment for the Crocell, but not for Kalego because he had to take extra care not to catch a cold. His money was already planned out, and an expense on medicines could bankrupt him until his next paycheck.

He decided to push that annoyance out of his head, knowing that at least it was just some snow. Once he finished observing the scene, he headed to his bedside table, grabbing his phone to check the time. However, the first thing that caught his attention was a message from Opera that was on his main screen.

"Hey, the director wanted you here twenty minutes ago, why are you late?"

The teacher was confused by Opera's words. He looked at his watch; he still had half an hour to get to Babyls. His schedule always started at seven thirty in the morning, not a minute more or less.

"What the hell? Are you playing a joke on me?"

"The director changed your schedule this week so that you can have a tutorial talk with us about the new winter study policies. Didn't you see the notice I left in your office?"

Kalego hadn't received any notification, and he was sure that wasn't his fault. He always checked his personal mailbox and the papers his colleagues left him, and he never left anything forgotten about academic matters.

Opera had probably left the notification on his desk in the middle of that night, and that was already an effective notification for them. Kalego couldn't answer them because he knew that one wrong word with Opera could cost him a punch to the stomach.

It was the same winter morning as every year. A new change in his school schedule that he was never notified of, a climate that he hated due to the extra care he had to take, and a decreased payment that he now had to put up with.

Kalego sighed, not wanting to start any fights first thing in the morning. He decided to continue with his usual routine and get ready, while he thought of a letter to justify the first and only tardiness that he was going to have that year. A tardiness that he was sure wasn't his fault, so his pride didn't have to be damaged by such a prank.

He put on his uniform in a bit of haste to avoid arriving later than the schedule they had established for him. He combed his hair to maintain the formal image that he had to have every day he taught, in addition to putting on a little perfume to look very presentable. He put on his tie while looking at himself in the mirror, as well as his badge that showed his authority at Bablys.

Although this was all part of a routine that he was already used to, he couldn't feel comfortable this time knowing that he was probably going to receive lectures from the director and Opera. And although he knew that the director was a fool and sometimes he could give "light sanctions", Opera was the real fear when he made a mistake.

It had only been a few minutes and he already hated the day that was to come. He had to take care of horrible weather, in addition to having to put up with his colleagues and students after having a sanction for his "irresponsibility." He was so angry that the negative vibes made his mirror break. Kalego watched furiously as now he had to spend on another mirror. It was as if bad luck had arisen at the same time as him.

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