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"jamie!" maya yelled from downstairs. "we're gonna leave without you."

"hold on, i'm almost done wrapping the gifts!" jamie yelled back. she turned to the gifts on her desk. chris' gift was already wrapped: it was an album of old to recent photos of the two of them that jamie had dug out from her parents' facebook and her own camera roll. some of them she hadn't even seen before she started putting together this album. 

matt's gift, on the other hand, was more difficult. jamie had no idea what he would like. after weeks of scouring online shops, she finally decided on a dark brown leather-bound journal monogrammed with matt's initials on it. she remembered matt telling her about his new hobby of journaling and how he had been meaning to buy a new journal. jamie placed the journal inside a box and began to wrap it. after she was finished, she quickly wrote cards and taped them to the top of the box. 

"twenty minutes is not almost done." maya said from behind her. "what the hell is taking so long?"

"i'm done, relax." jamie rolled her eyes. she gave maya one of the boxes "hold this for me." 

"what'd you get nick?" maya asked her, noticing how there were only two boxes. 

"i got him disney world tickets." jamie told her as the girls head downstairs. "we're gonna go next week."

"that sound fun. make sure to get me mickey ears."

"you ready, sweetie?" kiley asked her. "we're walking tonight."

"okay." jamie replied, putting on her black converse that matched her black outfit. "let's go!" she jumped up, clutching chris' gift in her hands. 

as the family walked to the triplets' household, jamie was suddenly nervous. she hadn't really talked to chris since their whole conversation and matt was still kind of ignoring her.

"you okay?" her dad, marco, asked her. jamie nodded. 

"i'm fine, dad. thanks." she replied, softly as they approached the house. maya rang the doorbell and a moment later, marylou sturniolo opened the door. a wide grin spread across her face. 

"my favorite family!" she exclaimed. "i'm so glad you guys came tonight." she turned to jamie with a kind smile. "i haven't seen you in a while, james. how are you doing?"

"i'm doing okay, marylou. how are you?"

"oh, i'm perfect now that you guys are here! jimmy's gonna be ecstatic that you brought that casserole, kiley." she turned to her mom, taking the casserole from her hands. "come in, we're all in the living room."

"jamie! maya!" nick exclaimed, coming forward and embracing the two girls in a hug. "i'm so happy you guys are here." his eyes trailed to the gifts in their hands and he gave jamie a look.

"what?" jamie asked innocently. nick shook his head. 

"nothing." he said before leading them to sit. chris and matt sat on opposite sides of the couch, with matt texting vigorously on his phone, paying no attention to anything, and chris staring intently at jamie.

"hello?" jamie cleared her throat before sitting next to matt. matt looked up, looking surprised when he saw jamie sitting next to him. 

"hi jamie." he said, shortly, before going back to texting. jamie frowned. 

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