New students

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I wake up the next morning with the biggest cramp. I try and get up without waking up Mattheo, but fail.

"Where are you going love" he says in a tired and husky voice. "To get pain killers" I say getting up and going to the bathroom.

I get it and just shove it in my mouth, I'm to desprite. I walk out and start to get dressed cause dumbledore said there was an announcement or some shit like that.

Time skip

We are walking to the great hall and everyone is talking and whispering, when Santa yells "SILENCE"

Everyone shuts up and sit down. "We will have 4 new students joining us" he starts "please welcome Lexi Miller, Jordan Miller, Jade Nott and Theodore Nott" when he says this I tense up and see him enter the hall with a smirk.

"Is that h-" I cut him off be grabbing his hand and getting really close to him. "He won't touch you love" Theo says kissing the side of my head and letting me squeeze his hand tighter.

The hat yells "SLYTHERIN" four times and they all come and sit close to us and of course Jade and Astoria are getting along. There are the two others that are talking to Blaise and I get bored so I decided to embarrass him abit and say "so how's your girl or boyfriend" he turns as red as humanly possible and we all start laughing.

"Hi I'm Lexi NOT his girlfriend" she says with the prettiest smile like ever. "I'm y/n, that's Pansy, Draco, Lorenzo but no one calls him that we all call him Enzo, Brianna we call her Brie, Daphne and Mattheo" I say guestering to everyone and holding up the hand Theo and I are holding when I say his name, cause we might be future besties but his mine.

We all talk and get to know eachother and then go our separate was to class. When we get to class, we sit in the back and talk about random shit until the professor umbitch gets there and says "we will be learning how to defeat a boggart" people start to whine "SILENCE, now can any one tell me what a boggart is" I raise my hand and am the only one with it up.

"No one" she says looking and at this point I'm jumping up and down in my sit "Ok then let's get started, please follow me" she starts to walk and I pout in my seat.

"It's ok love now let's go" he kisses the side of my head and grabs my hand dragging me out of class, along with everyone else.

"Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah" is all I hear until she says "get in line please and we will start"

We all line up and she tells us the spell is rediculous. People start to go and the line gets shorter and shorter until it is Theo's turn. He steps up and the boggart turns into me? Only I'm covered in blood and I am dying.

I see Theo struggle to point his wand at the fake me and I whisper "I'm ok Theo" he then yells the spell and I am now dancing. I laugh at how bad I am and it is my turn but my smile fades away real fast when the boggart turn into a big hooded figure with long nails.

It then stabs it's nails into my heart and I see all my fears flashing in my eyes all at once over and over again.


There is a big thing standing y/n and I start to freak out "GET IT OUT OF HER" (that's what she said)I yell but no one is doing anything. That's when I don't just see tears coming from her eyes there is also blood.

I run up to her and push her out of it and yell ridiculous making it explode.

There is no mark in my chest but there is the dry blood under my eyes and the pain of the memories in my mind and I run out of the room.

I run to the first place that came to my mind, the astronomy tower. I get there and I still have all the memories playing over and over again and I can't help but cry. I see everything that would actually break me over and over.

I then feel someone warp there arms around me and bring me onto there chest. I don't care who it is they are warm and feel good. "I got you princess" I hear Mattheo say. "It hurts Theo" I say still crying into his chest.

"I know, I know it's ok, I got you, you're safe. Just listen to my heart beat and think happy thoughts" I tried but the second I thought of something happy the nightmare would take it over.

The bell rang and Draco came running. "Umbitch wouldn't let me leave" he says bending down next to me. "I'm here y/n we're here" he says cupping my face so I could look at him.

They calm me down in time for postions and we get there just in time. Mattheo leads me to the back and scares the two students sitting there and we sit and wait for Snape to come and do his dramatic entrance as always.

Snapey boy does his big dramatic entrance, with his cape and silent walking but slamming the windows as he walks by, scaring everyone next to them.

"We will be learning about amortentia," Snape says "can anyone tell me what it is"

Both Hermione and Lexi's hands shots up "miss Miller is it" snape says pointing to her making granger angry.

"Yes sir and amortentia also known as, love potion, is the strongest love potion in the wizarding world. It is rumoured to smell like whom you love most" she says this and smirks at Hermione making her even angrier.

Snapey boy asks people to go up and smell it and stuff I didn't really care, well that is until he called Mattheo.

My head shot up. I see him walk to the front of the class and he says "I smell, vanilla, strong perfume and" he smiles brightly "eucalyptus scented shampoo"

(Sorry that's what mine smells like so I did not now what to put)

He looks up at me and smiles, making me blush but that is when I get called. I walk up and smell it "I smell, alcohol, blood and strong cologne" I smile cause I smell Mattheo and he smells me, Soulmates, not the point tho.

"Now we will be seeing the effects of the potion, since you to are already up why don't you do it" snape says. Mother fucker.

"I'm not drink it" he says "I'm not either" I respond. This goes on for awhile "will one of you please just be the bigger person and drink it" Hermione says clearly annoyed.

"Fine" I turn around take the spoon and as I am about to put it in my mouth I turn around and stick it in Theo's.
(Stop Ik what ur thinking and don't)

He tries to spit it out but before he can he swallows it he looks at me angrily and that's when the bell rings.

"You are so luck I love you and when it takes effect you are locking me in a room and not letting me out" he says "I will but I'm staying in the room with you, what do you have last" I ask grabbing his schedule.

"Herboligy" I answers point at the class "same" i grab his hand and we get to our next class.

Can a riddle truly love? || Mattheo Riddle x reader ||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant