Ugly ass scar

77 7 18

I walk up and see that Mattheo is laying on my chest one hand around my waist the other one in my hair fast asleep. He looks so fucking cute right now. I check it's finally the weekend of Halloween.

Mattheo starts to move in his sleep and moves up laying on my boob. I laugh a little and eventually drift back off to sleep.

I wake up feeling Mattheo get up and I let out a breathe I did not even know I was holding. He smirks and kisses me passionately before going to get ready.

                             ~time skip~

We get to the great hall and everyone is looking at us. I've been dating Mattheo for the past month now it can't be that. I walk past some Ravenclaw girls talking about my scare. Fuck right I forgot about the big nasty scare I now have on my eye.

I was hungry but I could see Astoria looking at me like I'm a thousand pounds so I don't eat. After a while I get annoyed of the comments and of the bitch so I decided to leave.

I get up and go not saying a word. I then feel a pair of vainly hands rap around my waist. Mattheo. "You good love" he says concerned "just the ugly as scar on my face" I say looking down.

"It's not that bad love" he makes me look at him "we're twinses" he gestures to his making me laugh a little. He looks so proud to have made me laugh.

"Can we go to hogsmeade to get Halloween costumes for the party tomorrow pleeeeeeassssseeee" I say giving him puppy dog eyes and slightly tilting my head.

He sighs "god you're so cute fine yes we can go" I smile brightly jumping into his arms "so I was thinking matching" I say grabbing his hand and dragging him to our dorm so that I could change "whatever you want love"

Can a riddle truly love? || Mattheo Riddle x reader ||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن