Single; "Imbroxavel"

35 1 2

(Modern AU)
Some restaurant on the United States.

Everything was going well. This date was going perfectly well. Until the very time to go home. In which you can read as “the date was perfect, the way home wasn't”.

None of them expected a rain, let alone one this strong, to fall down today. If the couple knew, they'd have asked Bill to pull closer to the restaurant. But instead, they were stuck together, under Michael's coat, and hurrying before the rain got worse.

And look, it was already pretty bad...

— For lord's sake... — Lisa murmured. Why did they park so far away? Oh yeah: Paparazzi... She just wanted to swear, and swearing was what she did. — Bolsonaro-

At that very same crippling moment, a lightning, A WHOLE FUCKING LIGHTNING, struck in front of the two. They almost got electrocuted by mother nature. And that obviously raised scared screams from the soaked celebrities.

They accelerated five times more on the way to Bill's car, which, thank you God, was already very close. They entered and took their seats as fast as they could.

— You guys okay? — He asked. After all, he had seen everything from right there.

— Yeah... — Michael said back. He hugged Lisa and caressed her hair.

(— I'm not saying this man's name ever again... —) Presley thought to herself. Neither the Brazilians, Lisa, neither the Brazilians.

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