Young girl: Many girls can allow you to love them, please, you'll find...

Ben(shouting): Are you sh**ting me?! I'll never find a replacement for her that matches even a percent of what she was! She's not only a girl that allowed me to love her, she's my memories, my first hug, my first kiss, my first love, my first time, my first everything, she was the most special person in my life, the one I wanted to marry, the one that outshined all the other girls! And now I lost her! All those roots I had in me that she grew got ripped visiously out of me and I'm broken... Grinded into dust... Falling apart, fading away... 

Young girl: Brother.. (Hugs him) Don't leave me! 

Ben(looking down at the river): Don't misunderstand it. Understand my pain. I will never, ever find any girl to replace anything of what she gave me... 

Young girl(hold tighter): I love you, too! 

Ben(holding the pain of the clothes rubbing into his skin): Move away! You're making my scars rupture again! 

Young girl(starting to cry): I'm sorry! (her voice trembled) 

Ben: Don't worry, the pain in my heart is millions of times more. 

Young girl(Crying): I love you, too, brother! 

Ben: It's not the same love, Sammy... You can't give me the same love... I love you, too, don't get me wrong but... Please understand how I feel. 

Sammy(scared, shaking voice): Are you really... going to... 

Ben(quetly, between whisper and speaking): Yes. You know what they say about this bridge... It connects souls. 

Sammy: Do you believe in that? Do you think you'll find her in here? 

Ben: I do... They say that souls haunt this bridge for a while and then go down the river, then another boat of souls comes and haunts it. 

Sammy: How do you know that? 

Ben: We used to come here with Jessica. We loved this place... We found a movable tile in one of the stone blocks. Behing it there was a letter and a little chest. 

Sammy: What was written in the letter? What was in the chest? 

Ben: I remember how bright her face was when we found it... We were so excited... She was so happy... It was the third time we came here... It was such a sunny day, so warm and beautiful. You know, this bridge and the environment is really pretty during the day? 

Sammy(starting to calm down): Yes, but tell me about... 

Ben: In the letter, it was written how the souls come from Heaven and Hell and meet here. This is the place where they connect after death. So real relationships and friendships can continue after death. 

Sammy: Do you believe in that? 

Ben: We both did... She said when we get old and death parts us we will meet here... 

Sammy: What happened then? 

Ben: I opened the chest and... I found this (The boy openes his arms and shows her the medalion) 

Sammy: Woah, it's beautiful! 

Ben: I know... The moment she saw it she was immediately in love with it... So I put it around her neck. 

Sammy: She must have been really happy! 

Ben(smiles): She was... she turned around and... The sun was shining upon us... The wind was blowing her hair so beautifully... Then I said "You're so beautiful." and she looked me surprised and said "Really?" and I said "Yes.. really!". Then we looked into each other's eyes for about two seconds and... Leaned forward and our lips (Sobs) we kissed... Her lips were so soft and smooth, so beautiful... I loved every single second of that kiss and when we moved apart and we were smiling... I told her that I love her and how much she meant to me. And we just stood there, kissing, touching, making out... But in a really gentle loving way. When we stopped... (bursts into cry) 

Sammy: Brother! (hugs him gently) What happened then? 

Ben: She... (sobs) she told me she loved me too and that she wanted to spent the rest of her life with me! And she did spend her whole life with me! (Burts into a bigger, stronger, louder cry) 

Sammy: Oh, brother! I never knew that you two were so close! 

Ben: Oh, we were far beyong that.. We were one... 

Sammy: I'm sorry...

 Ben: It's so horrible... That she died like that... 

Sammy: It wasn't her fault! Nor it was yours! 

Ben: I know... (cries, thinking of the accident) 

Sammy: Brother... Pl.. Please stay here! 

Ben: I can't... (opens the medalion)

Sammy: You kept a picture of you two in it? 

Ben: Yes... It's the symbol of our relationship... 

Sammy: That's really sweet. 

Ben(grabs her shoulders): I will go now, I'll be with her, I'll be happy. 

Sammy: No! 

Ben(holds her tighter): Look, I want you to keep going, be strong! 

Sammy: Brother, I don't want to lose you, I love you! 

The boy felt his sister's love..

Ben: Please go. 

Sammy(starts crying immensely): I won't! 

The dark clouds got angry, they started thundering and releasing the rain. Cold little drops of water started pouring over the siblings: 

Ben: I don't want you to see me die, please go! 

Sammy: Will you really be happy?

Ben: Yes. Promise! Promise me you'll keep going! 

Sammy: I-I promise, brother! I love you! 

The two siblings hugged for a few seconds, then the boy released her and said: 

Ben: I love you, too! Now go, don't look! 

Sammy: Ok! Farewell, brother! (smiles, holding the tears mixed with the rain) 

Ben: Farewell! 

Sammy ran towards the forest, not looking back, just running away towards home. She wanted to go to her brother's room and lie in his bed, crying, weeping, sobbing. She wanted him to be happy with the girl he was with for 3 years. She had seen them kiss so often. She once watched them cook together. They had so much fun, they cuddled in the hammock in the backyard, she knew they traveled a lot, taking trains and stopping at a mountain and exploring as much of it as they could in a day. She had seen pictures of them that they had printed out and stored in a heart-shaped box that he kept in his room. 

Ben stood in the rain, looking at the medalion, at the picture. She was so beautiful. He remembered that day on the bridge and what they said. He felt her absence. He wanted to wrap his hands around her and give her a gentle kiss like their first one, so light, so tingly, so magical. He put the medalion on, clenched onto it and quetly said "I'm coming for you, my love. Death shall not part us!" He jumped. The rain masked the noise of his legs piercing his insides, his bones crushing. He fell in the river and it carried him away in its swift stream.

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