A Heavyweight Honeymoon

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    The words took a few seconds for Clyde to comprehend, until he looked down to see the rings on their fingers. “Is that so? Well, lots of folks have trouble finding someone, so congratulations. I’m sure your family is just as happy.”

    Both Charlene and Macy lowered their heads, unable to meet his gaze.

    “Oh, sorry,” Clyde said, “I didn’t mean to bring you down like that.”

    “No it’s fine, it’s just…” Macy trailed off.

    “Our families were both against our marriage,” Charlene cut in. “Macy comes from a very religious family. They wouldn’t even leave us in the room by ourselves after they found out, let along agree to the wedding. As for my family, well let’s just say her being a woman wasn’t the main reason they didn’t want her around,” she said, tightly, grasping Macy’s hand.

    “I’m terribly, sorry,” Clyde reiterated.

    “It wasn’t all bad,” Macy piped in, trying to lighten the mood. “We had a small ceremony with our close friends. I honestly, preferred it to a big wedding.”

    “Yeah right,” Charlene said, playfully, locking her arm around Macy’s neck. “While the dream wedding is a bust, our friends did give us some spending money for the honeymoon. Although, that’s just about been used up keeping that hunk of junk outside running.”

    “Well, you can’t expect me to hear that story and send you packing with just a tank of gas,” Clyde said adjusting his hat. “How about you two take a table and I’ll bring you out a bucket of our special chicken?”

    “Thank you, but we’re really not keen on greasy food,” Macy said.

    “Just wait until you try our chicken, then you’ll change your tune.” Before the couple to attempt to reject the offer, Clyde shuffled his way into the kitchen, his hips, barely making it past the doorframe.

    “I am kind of hungry,” Macy said, rubbing her flat stomach.

    “Okay, let’s just try not to eat too much,” Charlene said, heading towards an open table. “This kind of food goes straight to my thighs.”

    “At least you don’t have to worry about a potbelly,” Macy said, taking the seat opposite of her. “I still remember those days in high school when I could care less about all the sugar I put in me.”

    “If it makes any difference, you ended up with your weight in all the right places,” Charlene commented, giving Macy the childish smirk that had brought the two of them together in the first place.

    Charlene and Macy’s view of one another was blocked as two buckets as big as their heads were placed on the table. Looking over the rim, the girls stared in awe at the crispy, pieces of fried chicken that filled the buckets to the brim. Turning their heads towards the source, they saw Clyde hovering over them, a wide smile across his face.

    “Eat up ladies, it’s an old family recipe,” Clyde said, eager to see their reaction. “It’s been injected with our own special blend of herbs and spices, that are sure to bring your taste buds to paradise. Just be careful y’all don’t catch the Thicketon Fever.”

    “The what?” Macy asked, holding up a chicken wing in her hand and watching the grease glisten in the light.

    “It’s a little wives’ tale passed around to scare tourists. They say no one leaves this town without going up a few pants sizes. Course, it’s just superstition, but just make sure you don’t go overboard or else you end up like old Clyde,” he said with a laugh, slapping his impressive gut. “Anyway, enjoy the chicken ladies, it just a small taste of what my wonderful town has to offer.”

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