
Another week passed and Takumi was yet again forced to go up another size in clothing. His belly was beginning to fall over the hem of his pants, draping across his groin and making his clothes even tighter. Fingers which had once been deft and agile with a bow string were now becoming round sausages, and the only parts of his body that could still be called small were the Hoshidan’s joints. Leo had never seen a person this big before or even heard about it in literature and he grew increasingly worried.

Still, Takumi was able to get around just fine, if not just needing a few minutes extra to get out of bed or off of a chair. Whatever this curse was, it didn’t seem to be impacting anything other than his self-esteem. And size, of course.

Leo grinned as he slammed a book down onto the library table before Takumi, startling the other out of a nap. That was something else that had become different- Takumi could finally sleep through the night without his nightmares waking him. And… He slept on and off during the day too, but at least this curse had one benefit. Not that it’d last for long.

“Gods! What the hell was that for?!” Takumi shouted, a hand to his racing heart, “I could have had a heart attack and you’re laughing!”

The blond was laughing, his grin now a smirk as he opened the book and thumbed through, “Well I have good reason to be! I think I may have found your cure.”

“Wait- really?” Takumi asked, his features becoming bright.

“Of course. I wouldn’t bring this before you if I didn’t think I could make something of it. It says here there’s a counter curse for any ailment- emotional or physical- that is definitely caused by a curse! It’s not even that hard of a spell to cast, really-“ Leo was suddenly cut off as Takumi wrapped his arms around him, holding him close. Being squeezed by such a strong grip left Leo breathless, but Takumi’s padding still made it enjoyable.

“Thank you Leo!” The Hoshidan grinned, pulling Leo into a kiss after their hug was through. He savored the feeling for a moment before Takumi pulled back and continued to beam, “Now I don’t have to go back to Hoshido- I can stay with you, and… Are you sure you can do this?” Ah, there was the worry Leo was missing. It was understandable for Takumi to distrust magic, especially after what had happened in the war, but he didn’t say that.

“Of course I can do this. The only issue would be if this wasn’t actually a curse, but that’s fine,” Leo said with a shrug, “I don’t know what else could cause your symptoms and not be a curse.”

“Well… If you say so, then go ahead,” Takumi said, sitting up in his chair a bit, “Will… This make me smaller again too?”

Leo shrugged, “I don’t know. It may just curb your appetite enough so you can lose the weight. But… We can do that together.”

Takumi nodded, watching as Leo began to recite the spell. And aura formed around Takumi, matching the color of a sphere of energy in Leo’s hand, and as the rune formed beneath Leo’s feet, Takumi could feel a sharp sensation in his chest before the spell dissipated. Opening his eyes, Leo looked to his boyfriend.

“Do… You feel any different?” Leo asked softly, feeling a little crestfallen that Takumi’s appearance hadn’t changed at all.

“No… Maybe it just takes time,” he said softly, “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see…”


Leo’s next week felt strange. He was used to hearing snide remarks about the size of his lover, his nationality and cold attitude towards other Nohrians, but surprisingly, no one had anything ill to say of Takumi. Even the nobles, who had issues with himself and his brother, didn’t say anything.

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