Weight Gain Curse

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Either way, he figured his plan was foolproof. A temporary hex to take away all that hubris was exactly what Leo had needed and thankfully a book of magical pranks had only needed a little bit of tweaking before it would fit the bill just right. All of the ingredients had been easy enough to find, and with the extra power of one of Nyx’s hex bowls he’d have enough to curse Takumi for a few days and knock him off that awful high horse of his.

“See how you feel when your appetite catches up with you,” Leo muttered, strapping into his gauntlets. This was foolproof, he reminded himself as Odin tripped into the tent, a purple bowl clutched tightly in his hands.

“I have obtained the bowl of magical prowess and-” Odin cut himself off this time, looking a little flustered, “and Nyx may have seen me. But! Do not worry, milord, for I did not lead her to you! She will think of this as nothing but my own treachery!”

“Give me that,” Leo snatched the bowl away from Odin before spilling the contents of an herbal bag into it. He sniffed once, pushing the mess of herbs and spices around before frowning. Something felt off, but he wasn’t sure. Maybe it was because he wasn’t in the right place.

“You may go, Odin,” Leo dismissed, “and leave Niles alone, wherever you find him. I’ve given him time to do as he pleases.” While Leo had grown to trust Odin- much more so than he had ever expected- the blond’s desire to help at every turn could sometimes throw a kink into even the most well constructed plan. That was not a mistake Leo could afford today.

The smartest mage in Nohr. What a title that was to live up to, one that Leo usually was able to day after day. He had been instrumental in helping countless citizens escape the wrath of his fathers maniacal henchmen and in some cases even aided Nohr’s poor soil with his divine tome. Leo was proficient in biological magics, yes, but he could even rip the ground from its bindings and throw around gravity to his whims if he so pleased.

Yet… hexes had never really been his strong suit. Cursing another human was something he had tended to stray away from, but in his hazy desire for even just a bit of harmless vengeance Leo supposed he had gone too far. All that magical power and none of the knowledge to control it was a dangerous thing indeed.

That wasn’t to say he had gotten it all wrong. The hex was working perfectly, better than anticipated even. He would have loved to study its effects and compare notes with Nyx to see if he really had done something novel with this and further ways to implement its use for something other than petty revenge. The problem was, the hex worked all too well.

Leo stuffed another roll into his mouth, hoping in vain to soothe the fierce aching of his stomach. He had barely swallowed before he had grabbed onto a bowl of soup before him, not bothering with utensils as he drank its warm contents down. For a moment the sheer warmth satisfied him, causing a smile to come over his face as he rubbed his swollen belly. That action quickly morphed his smile to a frown, Leo looking down to take stock of himself while he wasn’t distracted by blinding hunger.

Smartly, before the curse had completely taken hold, Leo had stripped out of his armor and left it back in the tent. While his underclothes were already form fitted, they now strained at the belly pressing out into his lap, the hem beginning to crest a forming roll and showing off a thin strip of pale skin. Leo would have hoped that to be the most embarrassing of it all, but as his magic pulsed and the hex began working once more, Leo could hear stitching pop along the seams of his pants, the sudden breeze along his thighs causing him to blush brightly.

Leo opened his mouth, ready to call one of his retainers. Where was Niles with that robe? Or Odin with the rest of the morning’s leftovers? Leo clutched at his stomach as it let out an ominous growl, reminding him of his own punishment for his hubris.

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