“You’re scared I’m gonna kick your ass,” Takumi replied, his eyes locked with Leo’s, a stubborn grin on his face, “As chubby as you are? I’m still gonna beat you.”

“You’re on,” Leo sneered, shoving at Takumi’s shoulder, “after more people have left, we’re settling this tonight then.”

“What, don’t want to be publicly embarrassed before your whole court?” Takumi teased, “I don’t blame you, I mean, I do have the biggest appetite of my siblings- including Hinoka. I’m sure you already know you’re no match.”

“Fine, we head to the kitchens. Now.” Leo stood abruptly, immediately followed by Odin and Niles as he made his way from the dining hall. Takumi was following soon after, checking to make sure Oboro and Hinata were in tow. Oh, this would be good.

“So we’re going by sheer volume, yes?” Leo stated more than he asked, entering the bustling room of the kitchen. While it wasn’t nearly as busy as before, there were still cooks and maids running about, making sure each dish at the banquet table had a ready replacement.

“That would make sense,” Takumi followed closely behind Leo, still unaccustomed to the layout of the Nohrian castle, “it doesn’t matter how fast you eat if you can’t eat more than me. Might as well throw in the towel now-“

“And risk public humiliation via your teasing for the rest of my life? Of course not,” Leo scoffed, motioning for a servant to catch up with them as they found an empty space. “I want several courses brought here. Whatever you have ready and hot preferably. And we’ll need utensils and the like.” The servant nodded before going off to gather the necessary requirements and soon the table was set. It looked much fancier an affair then it probably should have been, but Niles supposed it made sense. They were still royalty after all.

“The rules are simple, then,” Niles spoke up, standing across from the two princes, “whoever finishes the most plates will be declared the winner.”

There was some more banter between Leo and Takumi as the table was being set, neither of them wanting to back down and both goading each other forward. Niles stood a fair distance back, listening to Odin and Hinata have a similar, more heated conversation- both about their liege, but also their own abilities.

Soon dishes were sat before the princes and the room fell quiet, only the sound of a bustling kitchen lingering in the air. With a short countdown, Niles started them off and soon the sound of silverware against dishes could be heard as well.

Leo had been somewhat right. The usual energy of an eating contest was seemingly lost on these two, who- despite their hurried pace- were still eating with a manicured precision. Niles knew it would be nearly impossible for Leo to forgo such manners even in the face of competition and after spending so much time trailing Takumi it seemed he was only ever so slightly less polite in these scenarios. Yet another thing that these two princes had in common.

“I thought there’d be more shouting,” Hinata muttered, almost disappointed. Odin gave a somber nod, setting a hand to the Hoshidan’s shoulder.

“We should not have expected such slovenly behavior from two of the highest royals in this land,” Odin lamented, earning a sour look from Leo, but nothing more. “Perhaps we should organize our own event! With soldiers from both armies competing in a similar fashion!”

“Only if I’m allowed to join too,” Hinata said, causing Odin to jump on his toes.

“Of course! A competition between you and I would be just as perfectly suited to prove who between our two teams is the most stupendous eater! We must begin planning immediately!” Odin shouted a little too loud, now earning his annoyed looks from both Niles and Oboro, “Or… later. On a different date. Today we must support our lieges in their own battle!”

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