✦Accidents [Nick] [1]✦

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The tension within the car is layed thick as Matt drives down the brisky road. No music is playing and you can hear angry breaths escape their mouths as everyone sits in the car. The silence is deafening, ready to explode at any moment.

No one looks at each other, enraged and not wanting to talk about the events that happened just a couple hours prior. All the events keep replaying in Matt's mind as he tries to focus on his driving, having a hard time focusing on the flashing lights and heavy thoughts. The thoughts echo in the back of Nick's mind, exhausting his vision, making him want to crumble and cry in a little ball. Chris is also having a difficult time dealing with the past events, wanting to go back and change it all, wanting to make it as though everything was fine.

It was apparent that everyone was fuming and wanted to disappear, to not be in the car, at that time, with those specific people. Though they had to get home so it forced them to be in close proximity.

Chris feels like his brothers betrayed him. He thinks his brothers are pushing him out of their friend group and don't want him to hang out with their friends. He doesn't like that he is being replaced and pushed aside in their friend group.

Matt thinks Chris and Nick will never understand the hard times he has been going through recently and that it is all his fault, given that he hasn't been talking to them about it. It crushes Matt that his brothers will never fully understand his anxiety and will never be able relate to him, no matter how hard they might try.

Nick also feels like they don't understand him either, not knowing that all of the hate comments from their past YouTube videos have been affecting him greatly. Nick now feels self conscious about his body and doesn't want to be seen eating on camera, always avoiding it when his brothers tell him to take a bite of his food in front of the camera.

The last week of living together has been hell, consisting of heated arguments and late nights of crying alone. They all have so many doubts and misunderstand boiling between them, yet to be solved or talked through.

They all wish each other would understand them, something getting in the way of their bond. They all feel like they have been drifting away from each other, not knowing how they have been or knowing what they are doing most of the time.

The triplets would always help each other when they are having a hard time or are going through something difficult. They would always be there for each other, but now that they are all having a frustrating time coping they can't all help each other. All these unsaid words, all of these choked back thoughts, all of these pent up emotions have been breaking them from inside out.

After a long silence Chris breaks the tension, taking a mallet to the strong wall. His quiet voice startles the others, breaking them out of the chaos of their thoughts.

"When are we going to arrive at home?" Chris says in a strong puff of air, scratching through his teeth in anger and exhaust. He looks up at Matt's face, staring at his focused face, eyes not wavering to look at him.

"Just a few minutes," Matt replies, anger clawing at the back of his throat, ready to burst.

"Jeez Matt, I didn't mean to anger you," Chris spits out like poison, testing the waters, not knowing how far he should go to anger him.

"God Chris, you are so annoying," Matt jabs, his words sugarcoated in an angry type of poison. He doesn't pry his eyes off the busy road to look at Chris, too focused on the flashing of lights and crazy vehicles passing him.

From the back of the car Nick sits, watching everything unfold in front of him, not wanting to interject or else he would be caught in the fire. He can tell that steam of anger is radiating off Matts silhouette as he responds. To no avail, Chris continues the argument, already having dug himself too deep.

"Oh! I'm the annoying one!?" Chirs spits out, his voice in a low waver. "Have you seen yourself? You have been so secretive lately and you're all like 'you will never understand me' like everything is about you!" Chris says, unknowing clawing at the back of his throat. Then Matt speaks in return.

"Wow, that's low coming from you. You're the one that has not been talking to Nick and I at all. Whenever we ask you something you always brush it off like you don't care at all and that we don't matter to you," he words together messily, his thoughts clouding his vision again.

"It's because I honestly don't care. It's also so annoying to me that you always act like the tough guy. Like dude, I know you're probably going through some shit but what the heck?!" Chris strings together words, already having rehearsed them various times today. I am going through some shit. You will just never understand, Matt thinks as he gets onto an exit through the city, throwing his thoughts into a mess of emotions.

"Guys! Stop!!" Nick interjects himself, trying to extinguish the fire that's already ablaze.

"No Nick!! You don't understand, this asshole has been so difficult to be around. Also Nick, have you heard yourself recently? You have been acting so weird and secretive these last couple of months. What is wrong with you guys!?" Chris yells.

"No, Chris!! You-you don't understand..." Matt desperately chokes out, on the verge of breaking, his thoughts becoming mush. Tears start to gather in his eyes so he takes one of his hands off the wheel to wipe it. He doesn't want to look weak, already knowing he is losing this argument. He just wishes Chris would take a minute to understand but he doesn't give him a moment to breathe.

"What don't I understand Matt!?" Chris spits out his name like trash and it makes Matt's tears push further out of his eyes.

"Chris stop!! Stop acting like you are so perfect, like you haven't done anything..." Matt's mind blocks out all of the voices as tears roll down his face. He wipes them away, only leaving one hand on the wheel, which returns once his hand is drenched with salty tears.

"Guys stop!! Be quiet!! Shut up!!" Nick shouts through the car. Then Matt starts to hear a metallic sound in his ears, thoughts crashing over him like waves. His tears fill his whole vision and it grows hard to see. Then a big flash of light blinds him and his hands act out of impulse.

"Oh shit—!!"


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This is part 1 of 4 of Accidents

Thanks to @llcnmwhjh for the suggestion <3

Love you guys 


- love eve

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