Chapter 3

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The need for a plan

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"I am sure he means well Daph," said Emmeline as the two girls were seated in the tastefully decorated drawing room of the Bridgerton household. Their voices were low to prevent unwanted ears, Anthony mostly, from listening.

"Perhaps," hesitation laced in her voice "however, I feel trapped. I need to escape. I do not want my only option to be Nigel. This was not what I was hoping for going into this season. I wanted to find a love match but I am feeling miserable. I am losing hope, Emme." Daphne had a solemn expression as if she knew her future was set to one of misery.

Emmeline could not handle her dearest friend's saddened state. Moving closer toward Daphne, Emmeline reached over and clasped her hands over Daphne's that were limp in her lap. Giving a gentle squeeze caused Daphne to shift her gaze from the floor to her friend who in return was giving her friend a reassuring smile.

"Daphne, do not lose your hopes just yet. It is still very early into the season. I am sure Anthony will come to his senses...eventually." Even Emmeline lost her confidence towards the end of her speech, her smile diminishing to a grimaced smile. She loved Daphne and as much as she tried to offer her hope, the more Emmeline thought the more she was unsure if Anthony would see reason. He is a stubborn man, not one for simple joys in life, his duty clouding most other things.

The pause was becoming unbearable, the once uplifted mood turning gloomy again. Emmeline cleared her thoughts quickly, needing to get herself and Daphne back into a positive mind. Offering one more squeeze she let go and stood up from her seat with excitement. An idea had come to the girl's mind.

The fast moves startled Daphne who followed her friend's movements with her eyes, wondering what thoughts were swimming in her dear friend's head.

"Daphne," she said with a sharp turn to look at her friend with a smile on her face. "If Anthony takes too long to see reason then you and I shall take matters into our own hands. Make your brother see sense." Daphne felt as though her friend grew a second head with the impossible task she was proposing.

Seeing her friend's doubtful look she took the chance to elaborate, "Men are simple creatures. If we word things the way that will make sense to him we might just make it out of this with a love match for you." Emmeline finished, a smile on her face as if the idea was the simplest task to complete.

"How?" Daphne responded with disbelief.

Emmeline's smile dropped but only a fraction.

"I am not sure yet. Possibly if we were to create a distraction he would be too occupied that maybe his outlook will change."

"A distraction?"

"Precisely. If Anthony cannot see Nigel as a terrible match for you in the present then possibly we provide a distraction that will clear his thoughts. You are his sister Daphne. He only wants the best for you. He is just not being very practical about it at the moment."

"Perhaps you are right. It is settled then, I will wait a little longer. I hope he sees reason soon. I do not relish having to trick my brother to this extent. However, I will not marry Nigel. I cannot continue going on with these painful calls from the man."

"Yes, let us hope." Emmeline agreed. "If it eases your pain just remember that you are not alone with the man when he calls on you. Someone else is always in the room suffering secondhand from said visits," she said offering Daphne a smile, hoping to cheer the other up. "We have an opera to attend tonight yes?" Emmeline asks, not needing a response but Daphne nods in confirmation regardless. "I for one will spend my time plotting what I can for you and we can reconvene in a couple of days. How does that sound?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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