Early Years

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During her childhood, she attended her lessons diligently. She found what she excelled at and what she needed extra lessons for. She found a love for the pianoforte and reading. Reading was an escape from the expectations that loomed closer as she grew older. With every passing year, there was less time allotted for Emmeline to act like a child and more like a young lady. Her mother never strayed from the routine she set for her daughters concerning lessons.

While the two girls were close in age, their interests were far from similar. The only thing the two seemed to agree on was their purpose in life of securing a match. Margaret, while an excellent study and would one day make a stellar bride, did not stray from her strong points. She did not challenge herself to learn more outside of what was taught in lessons. She excelled at the harp, was a fair dancer, and knew a few languages that would impress any man when looking for a bride. However, she didn't go past what she knew. She didn't try to learn more instruments or more languages. She found no other hobbies worth her time, unlike Emmeline.

Emmeline challenged societal views but knew her place. She wanted more in life but she knew that having more was unlikely. So, with the absence of more freedom, she learned all she could. Much like her younger sister, Emmeline knew her languages, dances, and needlework, and was familiar with the harp but she did not stop with what was expected. She challenged her language skills any chance she got, she learned more instruments and was proficient in at least four, and she read. She loved to read, and allow herself to imagine various worlds and ideas.

The two sisters were a parent's dream on paper. Between the lessons and the behaviors, no parent could ask for better offspring. They were the trophy children, the model children really, even with Emmeline's more radical wishes in life. The Goring couple knew they had good chances for their daughters when they debuted in society and were ever so modest about sharing their daughter's achievements. Lady Goring knew that the only real competition her girls would have during their seasons would be if any of the Bridgerton girls were also on the marriage mart. While the Goring girls were well-liked and deemed perfect for marrying, the Bridgerton family as a whole was deemed the favorite of the ton.

The whole family was picture-perfect. The family was stunning in looks, deep with their money, and saintlike in their manners and poise. They were the envy of the ton. The ton knew that their offspring were screwed at any chance of securing any matches if they were partaking in the same season as one of the Bridgerton family. The chances were high as the family continued to grow over the years.

Lady Goring envied the Bridgerton family but she knew that her girls would do well. It also helps to have one of her own in the family's good graces. She knew having one of her girls close to the family would make her appear more desirable. Emmeline was good friends with the two eldest girls, Daphne and Eloise. Lady Goring, like any mama of the ton, knew how to weasel her way into a situation. Bless Emmeline's heart for being as young as she was when the event took place but it was all Lady Goring's doing in getting her daughter in contact with the family initially.

Being in the right place at the right time allowed for the two families to cross. Lady Goring managed to make the girl's playtime earlier than expected one afternoon. The two girl's normal routine was thrown off the axis that fateful day. Instead of just the nanny taking the two girls, Lady Goring decided to attend as well. Upon reaching their destination the four encountered other children enjoying their afternoon. Emmeline was curious about the new atmosphere, the crowd currently different from the one she, Margaret, and her nanny normally encounter.

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