Incorrect quote dump 3

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Quote sources: Helluva boss, myself, tumblr, mass effect, night court, Venture bros, big bang theory, big hero six, that 70s show, Futurama, the simpsons, sonic boom, Thor Ragnarok, ncis, daria, myth busters.

Featured ocs: Akari Yuri, Ultraman Domi.



Belial: You're as charming as always, I see.

Zero: Bite me Belial, better yet bite her probably how she likes it..

Belial: I have and she does.~

R/n, whose face is burning: Could you not pull me into your little pissing contests, please?


Riku, staring at R/n's neck: Is... is that a bite mark?

R/n, feels her cheek heat up: What? This? Oh, no, I.. *ahem*- I fell down.

Riku: And my dad's teeth just happen to break your fall?


[Ken (Father of Ultra) is attempting to help Marie (Mother of Ultra) do a surgery on an ill alien child, after Marie hurt her hands Ken has perform the surgery.]

Marie, telling Ken what to do: Now, start by making a small incision their abdomen...

[Ken does as he told and freaks when the incision starts to leak.]

Ken: Gah! Blood!

Marie, annoyed: Inside a person, well, don't that beat all?

[Ken has exposed the child's infect organ]

Ken: It's clumpy.

Marie: That means it's inflamed. It's got to come out for sure. Now, first you have to clamp down on it.

Ken: Clamp.

[The child's mother puts a clam in his hand]

Ken : No, no, *clamp*!

[The mother gets it right this time]

Marie : Now, just be careful. You cut in the wrong place, and it's curtains for the little one.

[The child's father taps Ken's shoulder with a spear]

Alien Father, while smiling tightly: No pressure.

{Luckily the surgery was success and Ken had a lot of new found respect for Marie.]


Domi: The key to victory is discipline, and that means a well-made bed. You will practice until you can make your bed in your sleep.

Belial: You mean while I'm sleeping in it?

Domi: You won't have time for sleeping, soldier. Not with all the bed-making you'll be doing.

{Belial side-eyes Ken who shrugs.]

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