Chapter 2

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Dirk van Duijvenbode's Point of View

18th June 2023

I opened my eyes and sat up slowly. I couldn't get it out of my head. What Michael told me yesterday really shocked me.I feel the need to tell Danny, but I also feel really bad for him. I don't know I can break it to him. What if he starts crying? Why would Danny cry? I mean it is pretty mean what Michael did after all. I clenched my fist in anger, remembering the exact words Michael told me. I stood up and quickly got dressed. I left my room and walked over to the door next to mine. Although we decided to not share room, we did get rooms next to each other. I took a deep breath and knocked quickly. I could hear him stumble towards the door. He opened the door and slowly looked up at me. My eyes widened for a split second as I saw him. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, and he looked a bit pale. Our eyes locked and there was silence for a few seconds. "Can I come in?" I asked finally breaking the silence. He nodded and smiled weakly at me. I stepped in and closed the door behind me. I noticed Danny leaning up against the wall, while also trying to hold onto it. I stepped closer to him and he tried backing away. But in process of that he tripped and fell. Right before he hit the ground, I caught him. My arms were around his waist. I quickly helped him over to the bed and let go of him. I felt worried for him. "Are you alright Danny?" I asked with a concerned expression on my face. "Y- yeah, I'm fine..." he replied, sounding not so convincing. I sighed and stared into his eyes, even though he was avoiding eye contact. "You don't look fine to me." I said. "I just have a bit of a- a headache... that's all." he said giving me a little fake looking smile. I decided to ignore it and get to the point. "I just wanted to tell you something that Michael told me yesterday." I said. He slowly moved his eyes to look at me. "What?" he asked. "Michael told me that the last two years, he's placed his operations on World Cup to avoid playing with you." I said finally breaking it to him. He stared blankly into my eyes for a short while. "I know." he said. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I've known for a few years." Danny said quietly. I felt bad for him, really. I was about to go when Danny suddenly grabbed my hand tightly. I looked over at him and he looked in so much pain. He groaned in pain and tightened his grip on my hand. His breath quickened, and I felt really worried for him right now. I really didn't know what to do, so in an attempt to help I pulled him into a hug. His breath calmed down and he hugged me back. Without realising it, I had pulled him onto my lab. As we pulled away from the hug, we realised. We both blushed brightly and he quickly attempted to pull away. It didn't really change much since I was in between his legs now. Why did I feel tempted to just touch his body? I blushed even harder at my thoughts and bit my lip. I wanted to just grab him by the hips and pull close to me. I want to just press him up against a wall and--- what the hell are these thoughts I'm getting right now. I quickly pulled away and got up. "I should leave." I said. Danny didn't say a word and I left his room.

Painful love ~ DinnyWhere stories live. Discover now