"What did he say?"

"That he doesn't have to be jealous because you'd never date anyone like him."

"What does this have to do with Sirius?"

"Well, I told him about how you two flirt all the time- so it's totally possible that you and Professor Lupin could date."

"Don't you think that's weird?"

Harry laughed, "that's exactly what he said."

She gave him a fake soft laugh.

"Who am I to say if it's weird or not" he shrugged. "He's not going to be my boyfriend."

"Me and Professor Lupin aren't going to date" she shook her head. "Nor me and Sirius."

"Why don't you call him by his name anymore?"

"It's weird" she shrugged. "It's not like we're friends anymore you know, since he left."

A moment passed.

"... you're still angry?"

"I dunno" she admitted. "I guess I am maybe."

"You can't hold it against him" he replied. "And you shouldn't have to pretend to be fine just because of me."

"You didn't deserve that, he left out of nowhere and didn't reach out to you."

"Yeah but, I don't know... I guess I'm over it now" he shrugged. "He's like family to me."

"He's not like family Harry, he is family" she told him.

"I don't know, sometimes I don't think he likes me very much" he chuckled.

"What are you talking about" she laughed. "That man loves you."

He shrugged, "like you said, it's weird. Sirius- he's my godfather, and Professor Lupin was just one of my parents friend you know?"

Spencer heart broke, Remus would hate to hear this.

"I think that if your parents had lived he would've been like an uncle to you. From his stories it sounds like they were all family" she answered.

"You're so confusing" he chuckled. "You want me to like him so bad but you don't even like him yourself."

"I like him well enough" she replied, parking her car. "It's just... I'd hate for you not to be close with him. I know you mean a lot to him."

He nodded, taking a deep breath.

They got out of the car and walked inside of Sirius' house.

"Hello beautiful" Sirius kissed her cheek.

"Quit it with that" she giggled.

"Hey kid" Sirius gave him a tight hug. "How are you?"

"Good" he nodded.

"That's not good enough, you need to be doing exceptionally well! Don't worry- I will take care of that."

"Sirius- he is not helping you with your motorbike" she crossed her hands over her chest.

"You're so boring" he rolled his eyes, walking into his living room. They followed.

"You'd be breaking child labor laws" she replied. "Besides I don't think Harry would want to work on a dirty old bike."

"Hey! You will respect Lady Brandy" he pointed at her.

"Totally" she nodded. "I offer my sincerest apologies" she touched her chest.

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