Chapter 6 - (Bittersweet)

Începe de la început

"Save it Y/n"

The door slammed in her face as she tried to get up off the floor, staring at the dark oak of the door with weak arms.

Red Flags and Tattoos - Chapter 6 (Bittersweet)

Flashing lights.

The harsh fluorescent lights kept you somewhat grounded, the ambiance of the bar melting around you. Ell had called you after the fight and offered to take you out. She had been good company for a good portion of the night, but you didn't want her to waste such an evening out, especially with how good she looked.

"You deserve some fun too, so hurry up, I don't want to see you moping around with me. Go shake some ass, or kiss a girl for all I care, but please just enjoy yourself tonight"

Y/n sat on the stiff barstool, leaning over the counter and resting her check in her hand whilst glancing off to the side

Flashing lights.

The tip of her nail traced the rim around her glass. She sighed, picking up the cup and downing the bittersweet drink. She let a small grunt escape her lips, shaking off the acrid taste that lingered on her tongue and setting the glass down harshly onto the table. Her head sunk into her hands before the bartender sat another full glass in front of her. She looked up, eyeing the bartender, then the drink in front of her.

"Excuse me...? I didn't order this"

"No worries, ma'am, the man across the bar from you did."

She cocked a brow at the vague description, scanning the room, but no such man sticking out.


Y/n trailed off, no longer paying attention to her server, but now facing in the opposite direction, too distracted by her unanswered search for this strange mystery man. Turning back around in the stool, she finished her second drink and left it on the table.  Suddenly she felt the weight of her tall chair shifting, seeing felt someone had just sat next to her. Before she could even face the man, the sudden familiar scent of a dark cologne filled her nose, but from where did he recognize this smell? To be frank, she didn't want to find out. Worrying about the intentions of the stranger next to her, Y/n didn't dare avert her gaze, keeping her eyes locked on the filled glass in front of her.

"Hey there stranger, you doing alright?"

Hesitantly her head turned in the direction of the source of this weridly familiar voice, regretting the move as soon as she put it into play. She could feel her lips parting ever so slightly when she saw who it was. Her breath caught in her throat as the bottomless pit in her stomach somehow deepened. Had he been watching her from across the bar or was she just delusional?

"Matt? I didn't think I would see you again! What brings you to this bar tonight, don't you have a gig?

"Hey, I knew I recognized you from somewhere. My set got canceled last minute, they replaced my spot with someone else's so I figured I wouldn't let my night go to waste... Glad to see it wasn't in vain."

He trailed off, holding the strong drink in the delicate glass in his hands.

"I couldn't help but remember you... tattoo girl, right?"

Tattoo girl. There was no way he just said that. He hadn't even remembered her name? With a newfound confidence from the numerous shots finally hitting, she crossed her legs and shifted her weight in the chair she sat in.

"Yeah, let's go with that. Whiskey sour, huh? Didn't take you for someone who drinks"

He let out a small chuckle, setting his glass down.

"What can I say, one of those nights...

Anyway, I wanted to ask if you were doing okay. I could see you sulking from across the bar and your whole mood was bringing down the entire club. But I'm going to be honest with you, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at all curious about that tattoo."

"Real charmer, aren't you? If you must know, yes. I did get it tattooed, in the exact place you signed it. Yknow Rife... I appreciate the concern but it's nothing, truly. I guess I just needed a drink."

Eyeing her third drink, she responded to his first question.

"But what can I say? Just one of those nights."

A small sigh escaped her lips as she mocked his previous statement, bringing the harsh liquor closer to her mouth.

"Yeah, I'm cutting you off, I think you've had enough for one night."

"Hey, fuck off, I paid for this."

"I'll pay you back, you're already fucking gone n/n"

He spoke, setting her glass down, earning a disapproving look from her. He couldn't mess this up. Her gaze fell upon his figure, piercing eyes stabbing through his. She shifted in her chair once more, the already short black dress riding up her thighs ever so slightly.

"Do you have anyone to pick you up? You look wasted as Fuck"

"Why I never, is Matthew Steven Rife himself offering to walk me home?"

She spoke sarcastically, chuckling as the words escaped her lips.

"You wish n/n... I'm just... asking. That's all."

"C'mon, let's get you out of here, you might actually give yourself alcohol poisoning if you keep drinking like this."

Closing off his tab, he walked her out of the enclosing drunken ambiance. She stumbled as she got off her tall seat, leaving the tall glass behind. The brunette held onto the girl's arm, seeing as she definitely wasn't going to be walking any time soon. They made it to a quarter of a block away from the bar before she pulled out her phone to text her friend Ell that she was heading home for the night.

"Are you going to tell me why you were in there practically drowning yourself in liquor?"

"Only if you do first"


They walked into the cold quiet night, Y/n using his arm that he offered to her for support. They stayed laughing with each other for a few minutes. Even though Y/n was still very much obsessed with this man, she was too drunk to care. Matt was still so curious about the girl next to her, too sober to make a move. Eventually, the mention of a certain patch of red ink came into topic... Again. Deciding to take a shortcut, they went through an old alleyway, behind the bar. The phallic music blasts through the Brick walls.

"Yknow.. I can show it to you if you want?"


Total: 1.9k words

Omfg I think this might be my longest chapter yet-

you are very welcome for this meal <3

So for those who read this when i posted it last Monday, i ended up taking it down and rewriting it bc I wasn't happy with the last scenes as usual

Anyways, Matt's back so yippee
Also, this isn't proofread so-

As always votes and comments are very appreciated

600 Reads is insane you are all crazy <3

See you all in chapter 7, take care!

-Mel <3

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