Nougat's Knight in Shining Armor

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Nougat had just finished class and he was heading back to his apartment. He has been very happy lately since the only person he sleeps with now is Zombie. He was still seen as Carvalle's sex icon but, he didn't care much and stopped sleeping with people for Z. 

"Hey Nougat, want to come with us?" A guy randomly asked him in the hall. He was with a group of friends. They all had eyes filled with lust. Nougat wasn't too scared though. He would just reject them anyway. "Nope, I'm with Z now so fuck off."

The guy didn't listen and continued towards Nougat. "Hey now, don't be such a buzz kill Nougat." 

"Not interested find someone else to tap." Nougat began to walk away until someone grabbed him. "Hey! Let go of me." 

Nougat struggled as they continued grabbing him and pinning him to the wall. "Come on Nougat, we know you enjoy it." Nougat was beginning to panic since he couldn't get out of their hold. He struggled and prayed to god that this would stop. But he knew it wouldn't, he accepted it as he was pushed into a flashback of the first time at Carvalle. He couldn't stop them then, and he most likely wouldn't be able to stop them now. His silent cries were left unheard, or so he thought.

Johnson Building

Zombie was walking back to the dorm to meet Nougat. He finished a bit late because he got into a fight after school. There were a few newbies who called Nougat a slut and so he punched them. He had just finished and was about to leave when he heard some familiar cries. He decided to go look and there he found a site that horrified him. He had a neutral expression as he watched 4 guys pin his Herzen to the wall and look at him like a fresh piece of meat to devour. 

"What the fuck are you doing to my N." The other students seemed to fear him as they saw him approach. One of them was brave and decided to talk back. "We are just having a good fuck. Do you want in?" The others seemed to realize how dangerous Zombie was since he went against Satan and scrambled to get away.

Zombie walked up to the one who spoke and grabbed his collar. "You should know to stay the fuck away from Nougat. He is mine." As he finished he punched the guy in the face.

They carried their friend as they fled from Zombie. "Hey Herzen, come on lets get you out of here." 

Zombie carried them to his dorm and set Nougat onto the bed. He decided to give Nougat some space and didn't climb in with him like he would normally do. He slept in a chair that night and continued to watch over Nougat gently holding him whenever he began having more nightmares of the times similar to what just happened. Michael loved Herzen. When they were together they were only Michael and Herzen, no one else. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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