⊱-- (S1) [Behind You]

Start from the beginning

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Elio: ["Do you wish for me to accompany you, sir?"]*

Y/N reached forward to the passenger's seat, pulling up the glovebox and from it taking his stiletto switchblade in hand, and storing it closed into his pocket. Shaking his head slightly he put out the cigarette on his mouth, exhaling the smoke out of the open window. All the driver/butler did was remain still with an ever-present gentle smile on his face, watching Y/N put away the rest of the cigarette in the car's trash.

Not yet done, the boy reached into the glovebox again, fidgeting his hand around for a while before taking a Brixia 1911, and loading a magazine into it. He also put it away, this time on his waistband. Meanwhile, Elio went around the car, opening it for Y/N who hopped off, prompting the scarred man to shut the SUV's door behind him. Looking around for a moment, Y/N noted only a few houses, spread rather far apart.

Y/N: ["Sounds like a quiet place. I would trade that whole house for it any day"]

Elio: ["Would you like me to await outside with the car, sir?"]*

Y/N: ["No, it's alright, I'll walk back home after. I need to clear my head"] Y/N turned to face a bit to the side, noticing the graveyard of school buses ["Do tell me, what could you find about them?"]*

Elio: ["Not much on such a short notice, but enough. Both parents, Mike and Emma Banner, are ex-military who recently retired to live a quieter life"] Y/N hummed, as if telling the man to go along, but he just shrugged instead ["This is all I could find on a surface level. If you wish to, I could dig a bit deeper and message you anything else I find to be of interest"]*

Y/N: ["No, that'll do. Thank you, I'll try and be home by 9"]*

Y/N gave the bowing man a nod of appreciation before making his way towards the door. Every step he took, he could not take his eyes away from all of the rusted, old, and no-longer-used buses. Silently wondering what was the purpose of that place, why was it here, and if anyone took care of it, and how. So many questions that he'd leave unanswered for now, as he made his way to the door and knocked on it.

A few seconds later, the one who opened the door was Mike — A tall man with a rather muscular build, and warm green-emerald eyes with short, spiky brown hair. He looked at Y/N, and their eyes locked. Instantly, Y/N could tell that this man would be quite the trouble should he mess up, so all he did was draw breath to speak. He went silent, however, when Aiden sprung to his feet on the background, waving at him.

Aiden: ["Hey dude!! Took you long enough!!"]

Y/N: ["I am only 2 minutes late you idiot"] Y/N thought with himself before clearing his throat ["Hi, I'm Y/N L/N. I'm a... Friend... Of your daughter, here to discuss our group project"]

Mike looked at him for a moment — A nice face, but cold, dead eyes. No matter how deep he looked, those indigo irises carried nothing in them. His face was a mixture of both serious and nonchalant, as if he paid no attention to anything around himself, but, at the same time, nothing ever escaped his radar. A warm smile broke through Mike's lips, however, as he stepped to the side to make way for Y/N to wander in.

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓│ [M!Reader x School Bus Graveyard]Where stories live. Discover now