T'Rina Semara

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Name: T'Rina Semara

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Name: T'Rina Semara

Born: 2344, Vulcan

Species: Betazoid/Vulcan

Mating: Being a Vulcan T'Rina goes through the Pon Farr every seven years of her life and being a Betazoid also goes through 'The Phase'

Mother: T'Veen

Father: Temas Semara

Rank: Lt. Commander, Senior Officer.

Previous postings: USS Phoenix, 2366-2369, Val Jean (Undercover), 2369-2371

Job: Second Officer, USS Voyager

Significant other/s: Tom Paris, (dated. 2360-2364) Tom Paris (M.2375-Present)

Children: Kathryn Paris, 2376-Present, T'Pel Paris, 2364-Present.

Portrayed by Karen Gillan

Little Note: Tom doesn't know about his eldest daughter as he and T'Rina were already broken up when T'Pel was already in utero (without her parents knowing) by three months. T'Rina takes her daughter with her on Voyager and the Val Jean (even when T'Rina was told it was dangerous to take a child on a Maquis ship, T'Rina didn't listen.

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