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Gosh this is embarrassing, well Luis told me it isn't that bad (long story)

So here we go. *Puts on blond curly wig, aqua green gown, a crown of flowers, and platforms (a type of shoe girls wear)

Well here come DarkBloodRedRose to "kidnap" me.

"Mitchell help me!" I yell. And I see him run at the sound of my voice, and all I can think is that I hope he realizes it is a dare and how sweet it is that I called him for help and he responded immediately.

Here he comes running, yelling for her to let me go, he is faster than she is considering she is dragging me (My dress is ruined thanks a lot.) Once he reaches us, he pushes her away, yelling "stay away from him, he is mine" Well that is quite a statement, I don't know if I like being property *huff. She regathers her wits and tries to charge. Then, all of a sudden he is glowing with a pink aura, and my eyes can't leave him.

He looks HOT in his new bad boy clothes, complete with a leather jacket, beanie, combat boots, a chain belt, and a dagger. HE yells agaim "Stay away" and that is when I hear the charmspeak, it takes effect immediately and my "kidnapper" leaves.

"You Ok?"he asks
"Ya I'm fine."
"Good, now why are you dressed like that?"
"Umm... this whole thing was a dare."
"Oh, well if you and I went through all this trouble. Well, I think we deserve a reward."
He scoops me off the floor, carrying me bridal style and kisses me.

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