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johnson_yew read Mitchell: kiss and asked if I felt the sparks when I kissed him.

My answer is for me to know and for you to not find out.
Mitchell enters Oh you do like me.
Oh shut up.
Come on cutie, don't be like that
Don't think you can trick me into a heartbreak
That policy finished besides I already did my initiation.
You air headed son of a
Watch your language cutie I don't want you killed by my mother, I still hadn't had the chance to ask you out and kiss you.
You did for the dare
No, you kissed me now I have to kiss you.*leans towards me
Um... (what do I do. I will create a second part but I will let all of you decide the ending I want at least five comments. The most occuring comment wins. There is kiss back, freeze and react violently after, or push him away -Malc)

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