Chapter 9: Departure?

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Edwina is standing at the window on the floor above the entrance portal, hidden behind the curtain. She peeks out and watches as Prince Friedrich gets into the  carriage where Princess Charlotte is already waiting for him. 

As the carriage rolls away, she watches as Lady Blithisfield goes back into the house and Prince Carl waves before following her. 

Edwina watches the carriage driving through the stone entrance gate at the end of the property and disappearing from her field of view. 

And there he goes ... 

Edwina has said goodbye to him earlier. A short and seemingly painless farewell to a gentleman with whom she thought she might be able to build a friendship one day. Even though they met without any promises and parted on good terms, she feels ... left behind. Of the world. Somehow. 

"Miss Edwina, what are you doing here at the window? Has the prince returned?"

Edwina turns to Lady Blithisfield, who has appeared out of nowhere as usual.

"No." She tries to smile. "They already left your ground."

The Dowager Countess approaches her and also stands at the window. "That pleases me", she says looking out of the window. "Happiness is rare my dear, you know? You have to keep it when you find it."

"What if I won't find it?"

Lady Blithisfield turns to her and looks at her kindly ... almost sympathetically, as if she know exactly how Edwina feels. 

"Do you doubt it?"

"I used to see the future bright and clear before me, but now I wonder what people, or rather men, do see in me." Edwina doesn't know why, but somehow it feels good to talk with the Dowager Countess about it.

"Sometimes men doesn't see what they do to us, my dear Miss Edwina. I can tell you a thing our two about it. As women do too, by the way. It is not your fault."

"Perhaps. But it seems it is the price, I have to pay."

Lady Blithisfield smiles sadly and at this moment the wrinkles give her face a unique shine that testifies to her former beauty. She takes Edwina's hands in hers. "There is no price for your worthiness, remeber that."

"Well, I guess The Queen will see that differently."

"Oh, The Queen. Trust me, I have the feeling her thoughts will be with her granddaughter and her nephew, once she heard about the ... incident."

Edwina frowns. "Excuse me, you won't tell her that they left?"

Lady Blithisfield laughs. "Of course not. The Queen would surely tell the Prince Regent about it and I for myself believe the princess and Prince Friedrich have no interest in a bigger family meeting right now."

Edwina smiles, then turns around. "You are really clever, Lady Blithisfield. Nonthereless, I should start packing now."

"You want to leave?" She looks at her in disbelief.

Edwina stops. "My society lady told me that Robinson is completely healthy again. And now that the Prince is gone, I see no reason to claim your hospitality any longer." In fact, she likes the landscape, the company of the Dowager Countess and - now - only Prince Carl and the distance to London's society. But her arrival had only one reason - the wish of Her Majesty, so she guesses her time at Weymouth is over now.

"What a nonsense! I ask you to stay, my dear. As I already said, The Queen won't find out from us that the prince left. And what she doesn't know won't hurt her. Moreover, this is my house and I can welcome here anybody as long as I wish." She winks at her. "What do you say?"

Edwina smiles. "Thank you, Lady Blithisfield."

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