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(A/N) i had the idea for this while unloading the dishwasher, which was rather inconvenient, haha. We start with a story where the 'hero' (not much of a hero anymore) is trapped in a bond with the villain. Likely due to a near death experience or flaw in the way their magic is spun. Yes, lots of angst (i do not regret it)

Tws: idk just venomous speech, holding someone hostage/captive against their will, general mockery and lots of f e e l i n g s


Remember to hydrate, don't dydrate, eat and take care of yourself!

Regards, Ender <3

Y/N sneered, turning his gaze to the person on their knees before him on the ground. "It's laughable, really, where you've ended up, like this, in this place, with whom you so dearly detest as the very reason you live today. Tied to me. Anything I want at my beck and call, and you, with all of those silly little strings attached to your survival, to your power, are mine. A bird in a cage. You poor, pathetic soul." He grinned a slow, sickeningly superior smile, twisted pleasure, false sympathy and dripping contempt pouring through every word he spoke.

N/A couldn't keep his gaze on Y/N anymore, eyes dropping, and his breathing trembled a little as he tried to keep his head held high, tried to retain the last of his dignity even as he felt it dripping away, draining through his fingers.

"You won't break me. You won't keep me. I'll- I will not let you break me."

Y/N's smile turning pitying, and N/A wanted to strangle that disgusting smile from his face, but he couldn't, not with these smoke-forged bonds. He could do nothing but sit there on his knees, hands held together behind his back and powers rendered useless by a loophole, an invisible obligation, a promise-made chain.

"Oh, N/A. Haven't you already? Haven't you already been broken down," 

Y/N took a firm step closer, 


 he bent, turning his face downward,

 "and used? Have I not won?" Y/N crouched, dark, satisfied eyes staring into angry, tired, broken ones, and N/A felt the burn of unwanted tears, felt the trembling, and felt as the grace that he had held himself in slipped further from their reach.

"You say you aren't broken. That I won't keep you."

N/A wanted to interrupt, to deny what Y/N was about to say, wanted to speak. But he couldn't, throat too choked to say anything now,

"You say you won't let me. N/A, you already have. I already have you right where you will stay; you're mine now. You can follow my instructions, you can be where I tell you, and if you do anything else, you're gone. Not only from our world, where the living roam, but from the other. No do-over. No second chance. No other life, where you can forget this." Y/N paused to look over the contours of N/A's features, where despair was written in every single detail.

"You either die with me, and get to go on, or you disappear. You. Are. Tied to me. And there is nothing. Nothing. That you can do to break that tie." 

N/A felt the last of his hope shatter, and his gaze and face dropped, eye shut tight at the ground, hard stone beneath his knees. 

Y/N took N/A's chin in his hands, made him look up.

"I would tell you im sorry, but I'm not." He said in a dark, slow croon.

"I'm not sorry to have made you mine. This is what you're living now. Might as well get used to it and just... do as I say. It'll hurt less." Y/N stroked N/A's cheek with his thumb.

Slowly, with a single tear escaping from his eye, N/A nodded, silent. 

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