Four || Break Free

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Your imaginations began to mist with multiple images of what to build, where to start, and what to do. It has been years since you came up with ideas about what to accomplish, and now it is time to put them into action.

As you moved around to collect ideas, you noticed other individuals, but they were still statues.

In response to your earlier query, according to your observation, not all people who were petrified are in a slumber position; Some were sitting, standing, or even performed a handstand.

"Huh, good to know." You hummed in interest, "I am the only one who is awake; The first person to start the year from zero."

Before long, you broke off branches from nearby trees and picked up a few stones that you believed would be sturdy enough.

Then you created tiny wood threads by rubbing a stone on stone while holding the branch in between.

Those had to be enough for a simple bag that wouldn't break too easily.

Before leaving, you etched the word 'April 1st, 5738. 117,354,893,660 seconds' into a tree.

If you're out in the wilderness, your grandma constantly reminds you to leave a trail or any carvings. So, if somebody tries to find you or you would like to mark where you've been, you can use that carving as a signal.

"Better thank Yuzu and Granny for teaching me these things," You chuckled awkwardly, staring up at the sky as if your grandmother was listening from above.

You return to your original location with a bag in hand and gather the crumbling stones that were attached to your skin into your freshly built bag.

'Certainly I need to gather every single component. They are all necessary for my future studies to help me understand what the hell is going on to the world.'

With that, you could finally begin to think and create.

'Starting from zero. Interesting, isn't it?' You chuckled evilly, peering into the unknown with a sneaky grimace about your plans.

You needed to weave a rope from the wood threads! To ensure that you would always have food, you had to catch whatever animals you could find.

Motivated by the idea you had, you gathered more branches, turned them into wood threads, and tied them to become an appropriate rope.

You harvested some edible berries, leaving some for yourself, then set up a trap to capture some food and use it to produce clothes and other items.

As you wait for the animals to come out, you quickly realize you'll need a weapon.

Even if you're skilled at shooting, it would currently take too much time to build a made-of-wood shooter from scratch.

Keeping that in mind, you go out to find more things. It wasn't long until you discovered some bamboos to make it sharp as hell.

Remembering what your historical cousin mentioned, a bamboo could be used as a knife. In fact, Indonesian used sharpened bamboo to defeat firearms during the war, which led to their triumph.

"Damn, my understanding is at its peak right now!" You smiled at your own jokes while you looked for more things to do.

Initially, you discovered a log and a stick, which gave you the idea to start a fire by creating friction between them to ignite some flames.

But, before you even begin, you remember something very critical.

"Of course!" You suddenly burst out laughing at yourself, shielding your eyes with your palm, "Only an idiot would believe it would take awhile to start a fire with just these two items!"

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