Episode 1 part 1

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     There were no cameras on the new island, Leah hoped at least. She had spent two hours after the group emerged from the building maniacally searching around the whole island for cameras or microphones but came up dry. The only thing she could find was one small Go-Pro at the top of the concrete prison where they had left their solitary confinement after weeks. She was looking at it now from about 10 feet below, thinking about how she couldn't take it, why the fuck any person would do this. She knew that wallowing wasn't going to help anything but she was beyond any sadness, she did not feel anything but pure boiling anger that would drive her to pitch herself off the edge of the structure any moment.
     Leah couldn't take it. She grabbed the camera and ripped it right off the wall, she stared into it knowing her eyes were showing madness beyond anything seen in horror movies. Leah stared into it for a moment, thinking of the best way to go about this, maybe she should just turn off the camera so Gretchen couldn't see anything that was going on. She decided against that.

     "Gretchen" She spoke so close to the camera her nose was almost touching the plastic lens, "I'll find you. You know I will, I'll find you" She spoke eerily calm, composed but shaking slightly in her expression.
"And I'll fucking kill you" She said this last part sure of herself as if it was more of a fact than a threat. Greatched would know, Gretchen would know that Leah was serious and know that she should be scared.
     Leah looked at the steps that she walked up a few hours ago ready, she was ready to see the world again, ready to be a new person and pursue a career of her own. She had it all planned out, she would write while doing a side gig waitressing at a diner, Leah would change her name and maybe meet someone who's as boring as she used to be. It's funny, Leah spent her 16 mundane years before the island waiting, willing for something to happen to her, now that something has, she wanted to go home and live the most boring life possible, maybe even have a couple cats.
     Leah was determined to make this happen, she sat down on the ledge and looked down, it was about 30 feet to the bottom where there was a strip of hard light dirt surrounding the square base of the prison. That's how she thought about it since she got there, a prison. A prison on an island - It reminded her of Alcatraz, but they weren't fugitives or murderers, they were teenage girls who were all in fucked situations, and now they were even more fucked.


     It was Fatin, Leah was glad for an interruption from her cycle of notions that she is all too familiar with by now. She didn't answer.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Leah hadn't seen her in two weeks and now she was able to get a good look at her, she didn't look like she had back in school. Even though the rooms each had showers and enough cosmetics to distract us from the fact that we were trapped, Fatin wore her natural hair and had a simple makeup look on; just mascara and blush. She still had red scars from sun damage just like the rest of them.

"I should have believed you sooner, I could have done something, I could have-"
"Look Fatin, we could have done a lot of things, we could have never got on the plane, Rachel could have never gone swimming that day, there's a lot that people could have done but they didn't, it doesn't matter Fatin." The words came out harsher than Leah had intended but instead of snapping back, Fatin just put her arm around her shoulder and pulled her in, Leah's head resting on her chest. It reminded them of many weeks ago when Leah was ready to swim into nowhere to get away from the island, to get away from herself.

     Shelby was ready, not to go home, but to prove that she could get home. The past weeks she had a lot of time to think, she thought about the island, about Texas and her family, but mostly she thought about Toni. She couldn't bear it, at nights she had to sing to herself or cut a bit of her hair off to calm down.
     Once during an especially bad episode she had taken the clippers in the vanity drawer that now, come to think of it, were placed very conveniently. She couldn't stand looking in the two foot by two foot mirror that reminded her so much of the stupid fake pageant mirrors she had grown up around, and when she looked in it she saw that same fake person that had always been in those mirrors. She turned them on and brought them to her head. She loved it, watching the golden strands fall to the ground and reveal a whole new person.
     After, she got pulled into an office that was nothing like the rest of the building she had seen before. There was a woman, maybe 40 or 50 years old, Shelby recognized her from the god-forsaken welcome video. Gretchen. Shelby was surprised to see her in a set of pjs with her hair in a messy bun, she looked more like a soccer mom than the person that ruined a bunch of teens lives for a fucking science project. She sat at a desk and motioned for Shelby to sit in a chair across from her.
"Shelby, the new look is great."
"What do you want?"
"I want you to help me."
"Why the fuck would I do that?" Shelby was on high alert, knowing what was coming.
"Because I can help you."
Shelby took a sharp breath in. Toni, Gretchen knew, of course she did, there were cameras on the island.
"You want her back, and I can make that happen for you." Gretchen's face had a slight smirk on it, but Shelby knew she was serious. She gulped and nodded.
"What do you need me to do?"

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