My New Dragon Daughter!

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You were sleeping in your Bed Just Laying down when suddenly you felt something poke your face.

Y/n: Ugh... What is it? I'll cook everyone breakfast Later...

???: Papa? Papa? Papa Wake up.

Y/n: Oh Okay I- Papa!?

You then Looked up to see The Little Dragon girl from earlier!


Little Dragon Girl: You're my Papa!

Y/n: Huh!? But-

Little Dragon girl: Uncle Jack sent me!

Y/n: Huh, Wait, what do you- Oh You Mean God. Do you have A Little Name?

Little Dragon girl: Um... I don't have One.

Y/n: We need to give you A Name. Let me see... How about... Sakura? It means Pink.

Little Dragon girl: Yay! I Love that Name!

Y/n: Well I Guess I better introduce you to everyone.

And Soon...

Y/n: Everyone this is my New Adoptive Daughter Sakura.

Sakura: Hi Mamas!


Sakura: Papa, why are Mamas so Pink?

Y/n: Um... We're Just going to Ignore it, Right Sakura.

Sakura: Okay Papa!

Tia: Wait, where did this Adorable Bundle of Joy come from!?

Sakura: I came from Uncle Jack!

Y/n: It's some Person I vaguely Know who sent her on here on his Dime.

Ru: Well he has to be so irresponsible to send A little girl to this forest.

Sakura: But I can fly! Watch!

She then generated some Dragon Wings!

Tia: Wow, Kind of like me.

Lea: So She's A Dragon?

Y/n: Um... I guess. (Thoughts) This seriously reminds me of Kanna from Dragon Maid.

Sakura: I want to be as great as my Papa someday! He's the best!

Y/n: (Blushing) Oh, Thank you so much sweetie, that's So Kind of you...

Ru: Yeah, but we have to make sure she can Protect hers-

Just then Sakura sneezed and shot out A Flamethrower burst of fire which Thankfully didn't hurt anyone or damage anything.

Y/n: So?

Ru: Yeah, I guess she can save herself.

Sakura: Bless Me.

Y/n: Good Girl!

Lea: But where will she stay?

Y/n: She'll stay in my room for the time being until I can find her her own room.

Lea: (Blushing) W-Wait, she can take my room and I can sleep with you!

Y/n: I... Would rather for her to stay close to me... Also, I'm going to ignore that...

Sakura: Papa's Funny!

Y/n: (Thoughts) I think I'm going to have to admit to myself that someday I might get Laid... And then Sakura would have so Many siblings... may My High level save me my stamina...

Sakura: Hm? Papa's Pale.

I Never Wandered and Now I'm Lv 1,000 (Autistic Male Reader X Isekai Harem)Where stories live. Discover now