King or Queen of Plushies? | Xavier

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Rating: All

Theme: Fluff

Summary: Arcade Games with Xavier


[Name] had gotten a text message from Xavier. It was quite unexpected, but that was usual when it came to the man’s mystery and unpredictability. She was getting used to it as they go on dates or go on missions together. He still had the habit of disappearing, but it was becoming uncommon, rather than a common phenomenon. Since they live in the same building, their communication has increased significantly since he’s only a story up. Only he seems to enjoy the night, then the morning, waking up around noon every single day she comes up to his door.

This time was a little different. He was waking her up late at night to go to an arcade place that was only open late at night. It was 2am. She groaned, being blinded by the brightness of her phone before fighting the pain and slowing it down so she could read his text better. But in consequence she was fighting against her eyes way of saying it had been blinded—a rectangular shape similar to her phone hovering around in her vision. It took a second to disappear before she managed to fully grasp the message.

>Are U able to come play the claw machine

                                                                                                                                        It’s 2am…<

>Does that matter

                                                                                                   Why not the acceptable morning?<

>It’s only open at night

>I’ll win you a plushie for your collection

It was a tempting bargain…

                                                                                        I’ll meet you at the front of the building?<

>See U then

[Name] got up in a sluggish movement, turning on her light as she got dressed. She exited her room, trudging through the halls, clicking the elevator button. As she waited for it to come back to her floor, she sees Xavier standing on the right side. He stood up straighter, eyes widening a bit before giving her a light smile, beckoning in with a nod of his head. She stepped inside the elevator.

“What gave you the idea of going to an arcade place at night?” She asked, turning towards him as the elevator goes to the first level.

“It seemed nice,” He replied. “I researched it. It has some plushies you do not have.”

“Like what?” She asked, a thought popping into her head. “The [plushie you like/want]?!”

Xavier nodded, an amusing grin on his face, “Yes. I had to tell you right away.”

“You said you would win me one. Are you able to?” [Name] cocked her eyebrow.

“I have studied your skills from our many trips to our usual location. I will win you one.” Xavier confidently promised. “Don’t worry about the money. I’ll handle that just like last time, where you won that first plushie with me.”

“You’re very prepared.” [Name] smirked. “I’ll have to see it to believe it.”

The elevator door dinged, opening as they step out together.

The walk to the store was peacefully silence. Xavier glanced back at her as he led her to the location. The place had a bright, cute sign with [favorite animal].

“Why is this exactly open only during the night?”

Xavier halted, glancing up at the sign, “Maybe to entice people with the sign.”

“I don’t think so…” [Name] shook her head. “It is a nice sign thought, it’s cute.”

Xavier chuckled, patting her head, “Let’s head inside.”

[Name] followed him inside, being blinded by the number of lights from the machines, and the dim lights on the ceiling giving the place a cool, dark aesthetic will cute games. “So, which one do you want to play first?”

Xavier pointed to one that had an assortment of plushies that [Name] has always been wanting to collect, but they were rare, only available in certain stores. All of them being her [favorite animal] in various outfits and themes. She ran over to it, placing her hands against the glass, freaking out on how cute the plushie design were.

Xavier took the time to get a bowl filled with coins, and walked over to her, handing it to her. “I’ll get each one for you. They’re small enough to find all of them.”

She looked at the bowl of coins, “How much did you put in the coin dispenser?”

“Enough.” Xavier took a coin and inserted it inside the machine. “Now watch.”

He pushed the joystick with careful precision, different from his first attempt at jerking the stick around as if he was using the perfect strategy when he wasn’t. He looked at different angles throughout the class, thinking this was some sort of chess game. Once he was done, he hit the button, watching the claw slowly fall to the spot, grabbing the toy and lifting it into the air. It hovered over to the prize box, and Xavier took the plushie and handed it over to [Name].

“One down, three more to go,” He turned his attention back to the machine, grabbing another coin.

He carefully positioned the claw over another, hitting the button with a quick smack. The claw slowly falls once again, clomping down on a plushie, liftin up and dropping the plushie.

“Dang it.” Xavier sighed, taking another coin from the bowl. “One more.”

He failed again. And again, until there was only three coins left in the bowl. When he goes to reach one, [Name] stopped him by grabbing his wrist. “Let me try.”

Xavier nodded, taking the bowl and plushie from her grasp as she takes a coin from the bowl. She inserted it inside the machine, moving the claw over a plushie, and without double checking, hits the button and it declines. It snatched the plushie up, and she won another.

“Yes!” [Name] jumped in joy. “We can do this!”

Xavier nodded, loving her joy in this moment.

She won the other two plushies with ease. She handed two over, and held onto one, studying it a bit and places it next to his seeing that he looked similar to this plushie. “Aw, you look like this [favorite animal] plushie! It’s so cute!”

Xavier smiled, “Does that mean I’m cute?”

[Name] blushed, not expecting the flirty joke from him. “I- well- of course!”

He kissed her cheek. “You’re cute too, especially caught off guard by my comments. I should do it often.”

“You tease!” [Name] giggled.

Xavier caressed her cheek, “Let’s head home. I already woke you up so early. Can’t have you pulling another all-nighter.”

[Name] nodded.

For the rest of the night, Xavier munched on cup of soup while [Name] slept, her head on his lap. He found it cute, watching the old documentary he turned on without caring. He set his cup down onto the coffee table, caressing the side of her face as he feels himself being lured to slumber as well. He feels his eyes growing heavy, and soon he was fast asleep just like [Name]. All the plushies they won were around them, protecting them from any dangerous as they get the sleep they rightful deserve.

"Love you..." Xavier mumbled in his sleep, tightening his grip on her body.

[Name] smiled in her sleep, as if the words through her resting body reached the depth of her dreaming mind. 


The sound of silence filled the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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