Under the Dawned Sunset (Pin x Leafy)

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Thank you some_random_humman for requesting this. I hope you like it.


Pin: Leafy, where are you, like, taking me?

Leafy: You'll see! It's a surprise! I think you will enjoy it!

Pin: Really? Thank you.

Leafy: Don't thank me yet. *wink* The surprise is just behind these bushes.

(They approach a little beach with white sand covering about the entire area. Pin chuckles in glee, dawning over the ocean with the dense sunset rippling through the water. Leafy smiles alongside Pin. They both walk up to the water and stare in awe.)

Pin: Wow. It's so... majestic. *sits down with Leafy and hugs her tightly*

Leafy: *soft blush* No problem. You deserved it. You mean the world to me.

Pin: Thank you.

Leafy: *kisses her on the forehead* You're welcome, sapphire of joy.



I.. actually did something good? Just wow.

I enjoyed writing this. Thank you so so much for the request, some_random_humman .

I hope you like it! :]


stupid... FREAKING ONESHOTS..!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon