I found the missing piece I was looking for, although it was in a pretty bad shape. I thought I probably had to do something with the furnace, I walked up on the platform and found a box that had a hole shaped like the gear in my hands. I placed it there, and activated the furnace with my green hand.

Fire started burning in it, and when it went out, I opened the doors to the furnace and I could see the same gear I placed into the box in restored shape. I smiled, walked over to it, picked it up and walked over to the generator. I placed the gear into the hole designed for it and I pulled the lever next to it which I only realized not long ago that it was there.

The roll-up metal door opened up, letting me walk onto a small bridge. I looked down, and all I could see was darkness. Shrugging, since darkness' been the only thing I see ever since I'm here, I continued on my journey.

I didn't expect it again, but Mommy jumpscared me again by coming at me from under the bridge. I turned back and tried to run down the corridor to the hole again, but the way was blocked by spiderweb.

Panicking, I remembered the furnace. I could get behind the doors, although it could be dangerous. Mommy could probably turn it on while I'm inside. But I have to risk it, or most likely I'm not getting out of this alive.

I closed the doors on me, hearing the stomping going all over the room once again. I successfully avoided death for the second time now for the past five minutes.

When I opened the doors, I noticed the cobwebs blocking my way were ripped off. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head. My headache from the Water Treatment place came back!

I gripped onto the handle on the door of the furnace while holding my head with my other free hand.

I sat down, my back against the door. I hugged my knees to my chest while breathing heavily because of the pain.

I sat there for the next couple of minutes, and it just suddenly went away. 'This is just weird...'

Mommy's POV

I was looking at the boy that I was playing hide and seek with curled up, holding his head in pain. 'I kinda feel bad.. Well, it doesn't matter how I feel, I have to keep up the act I put up.'

I saw him look up, so I quickly crawled into the darkness.

(Y/N)'s POV

I looked up, and at the doorway where the bridge was, I could see a pink blur sliding out of view fast. 'What was that?'

I got up and speed walked towards where I saw the blur, but there was nothing. I shook my head and rubbed it. I was starting to get tired. Running around this factory has been very tiring considering I'm still just a kid. Well, I can't do anything about it now, I have to escape Mommy.

I walked across the bridge, now without interruptions, and I found myself next to a lever that was basically the same size as me next to a giant wheel, and another pit of darkness.

I shot my Grabpack's left hand at the lever to pull it, but what happened didn't really shock me for the third time.

Mommy crawled out of the darkness, giving off the groaning sounds again. Now, the furnace room was blocked off by spider webs, I have no idea how, and the corridor was also blocked off by rubble from the ceiling. There was a door to the left slightly ajar, so I busted through that, and I found myself in a room with a collapsed floor. 

In front of me was darkness, and out of that darkness came Mommy, still looking at me with her dilated pupils.

I jumped down the hole, and I had to turn around because I was faced with a wall.

Turning around, I now had to get into this weird looking vent type of thing, where I had to navigate without letting Mommy catch me with her hands that somehow had the ability to stretch out to be as big as me.

After the vents, I had to pull myself up with the handles and my Grabpack, and I even had to swing over holes. All this chasing gave me enough adrenalin to not make me shit my pants from the terrifying sound Mommy made and the endlessly deep holes in the ground.

In the end, I once again had to crawl through a vent, making me fall into a room. There was a big lever next to another roll-up door. I pulled it, making the door open and letting myself through.

On the other side of the door was a long hallway decorated with paintings of Mommy.

At the end was a metal door with a panel above it, containing the blue hand's handprint on it. Knowing what I had to do, I shot at it from half way, hitting it. 

The moment the hand touched the panel, a crash was heard from behind me, and when I turned around, I saw an enraged Mommy crawling towards me with insane speed while stomping with every step.

I started sweating as thoughts of the door not opening in time resulting in me getting mauled to death flooded my mind. Luck was on my side though, because the door opened, letting me pass through.

There were two doors on each side, though the one on the left was barricaded off, so the only way for me to go was to the right. Somehow I didn't notice the big machine in the middle of the room.

Next to the door was a lever, so without thinking, I pulled it with my Grabpack's hand and... the door didn't open? Why? Why now-

My thoughts were cut short with Mommy crashing into the same room I was in, balancing herself with her hand on some sort of machine... wait, is that a shredder? No- that lever can't be-

The shredder turned on as my eyes widened, as well as Mommy's. She immediately looked at her hand that was stuck in the machine, the pain that followed made her scream. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes as I heard her screaming.

"NO!" She yelled out as she tried getting it out before she would be pulled in.

'No, no no no no! I have to stop it!! I can't let her die like this!' I jumped at the lever, pulling it once again, but now I had to use a little more force.

I backed up from the lever and slowly looked over to Mommy with the tears that formed in the corners of my eyes now down my face. She also looked at me, but she was shocked.

Mommy's POV

'He.. he saved me. This is not him. Definitely not. He liked it when the toys were in pain. If this were him, then he would've just let me die right here. I can't believe I couldn't put the pieces together before.'

The boy looked at my hand that was stuck and walked over to it, trying to pull it out. I somehow still could feel my fingers, so I guess they weren't really shredded. I helped with trying to pull my hand out, although it wasn't the most pleasant feeling in the world.

After a few tugs, we finally got it out, both of us falling back. Luckily it was in one piece. My savior was still speechless, he just looked at me, unsure of what to do.

"You saved me." I smiled at him, thankful.

(Y/N)'s POV

"You saved me." Spoke Mommy in a sweet tone, smiling at me. Her pupils returned to normal, her tone changed back.

I tried smiling back, but suddenly, the headache from back then came back, now worse than ever. I almost fell over while grasping at my head and almost falling over.

Mommy gasped, and with one of her hands held me up. I also felt fatigued. Like the past hours of running around, trying to survive while running away from flesh-eating monsters just caught up to me. Oh yeah, I think I also did an all-nighter before coming here... What a mistake.

The world around me got dark and I felt like I couldn't control my body anymore. I just fell asleep then and there. All I could feel was Mommy curling one of her arms around me and taking me somewhere.


Holy shit, so glad I finally got to this point in the story. I hope you liked it till now, there'll be more to come...

Words: 2089

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