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Chapter #1: Awakening

The sun rose over the crystalline landscape of Andalusite, casting brilliant hues of pink and orange across the sky. In the heart of this breathtaking world, nestled among towering mountains and shimmering lakes, lay the secret laboratory of the Diamonds. Here, within the depths of the earth, the greatest creation of their civilization was born: Lupin, the first of the Gem Race, endowed with extraordinary powers beyond their wildest dreams.

He was inside his own custom-made warship known as Irish-class  from Mobile Suit Gundam of the Universal Century.

Lupin in mind: [It has been a whole eternity since I have been forgotten by the Diamonds, by Homeworld... I really have lost track of time since I have been forgotten...]

Lupin looking at the entrance of his ship sunlight emanating from the door, he pushed the buttons of the door opening it covering his eyes on the sunlight his gem glowing from his chest with human clothing on him.

Lupin: (to himself) ever since I I went renegade against Homeworld, I've been stuck on this planet for who knows how long...

Looking outside of the ship, he could see that he was inside a luscious Green Forest, the wind blowing he couldn't help but smile for the first time seeing beautiful scenery in front of him.

Lupin: (to himself) This world is so beautiful, full of life, and yet Homeworld wants to colonize something like this...

Lupin wandered deeper into the forest, he couldn't help but wonder about the true purpose of the Diamonds and the reasons behind his own creation. He had been granted extraordinary powers, the ability to transform into powerful mobile suits, and the gift of Newtype abilities.

But as he delved into his memories and confronted the truths he had long suppressed, Lupin realized that the Diamonds' intentions were far from noble.

Lupin: (to himself) How could I have been blind for so long? Homeworld's desire for colonization and the suppression of other life forms goes against everything I now believe in.

Lupin noticed the city somewhere near the beach, known as Beach City, an unusual name for a city.

As Lupin approached the outskirts of Beach City, he observed the bustling activity of its inhabitants.

Lupin: (to himself) Very interesting City.. where are humans actually doing human things..

Lupin continued walking towards the city, intrigued by the sight of humans going about their daily lives. He saw people laughing, playing, and working together. It was a stark contrast to the sterile environment of Homeworld and its relentless pursuit of power and control.

As he reached the edge of the city, Lupin came across a park filled with children playing. Among them was a young boy named Stephen Universe, Something got Lupin's attention noticed, the gem in his bellybutton of Steven Universe.

Lupin: (to himself) T-That... Gem... Could it be...

Lupin remembers his time countering rose quartz that turned out to be pink diamond in the disguise.

Steven Universe noticed Lupin watching and decided to walk up to him.

Steven: Hi there, I'm Steven Universe. I'm guessing you're a new around the Beach City.

Lupin turned to face Steven, trying to hide his surprise and curiosity.

Lupin: Yes, I am new around here. My name is Lupin. It's nice to meet you, Steven Universe.

Steven: Nice to meet you too, Lupin. Are you a gem like me?

Lupin hesitated for a moment before answering, unsure of how much he should reveal.

Lupin: Yes, I am a gem, but I am... the first male gem..

Steven Universe surprise of hearing about gem that is actually to a male instead of a female.

Steven: A male gem?! That's amazing! I've never met another gem like you before!

Lupin smiled, relieved that Steven seemed open-minded and accepting.

Lupin: Yes, it seems we both share a unique experience. Tell me, Steven, do you know anything about the origins of gems or our purpose?

Steven looked thoughtful for a moment before shaking his head.

Steven: Not really. I mean, I know some stuff, but not everything. But if you want, I can introduce you to my friends and family. They might be able to help answer your questions.

Lupin nodded eagerly, grateful for the offer.

Lupin: Thank you, Steven. I would appreciate that very much.

Together, they walked toward the Temple, where Steven lived with his father Greg and his friends, the Crystal Gems. Along the way, Steven explained more about the world of gems, including their history, culture, and society.

Lupin listened intently, taking in every detail. As they arrived at the temple, Steven introduced Lupin to his friends Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl.

Amethyst, a rough-around-the-edges gem, greeted Lupin warmly.

Amethyst: Hey there, big guy! What brings you to our neck of the woods?

Lupin returned her greeting, impressed by her confidence and charisma.

Lupin: Hello, Amethyst. I am Lupin, the first male gem. I was hoping to learn more about my origin and purpose.

Garnet, a composed and wise gem, offered Lupin her insights.

Garnet: We understand that finding one's place in the universe can be difficult. However, it's important to remember that each gem must choose their path for themselves.

Lupin appreciated her words, sensing wisdom behind them. Finally, he met Pearl, who reacted differently than the others when she learned of Lupin's identity.

Pearl, taken aback, asked hesitatingly, "You're a male gem?" Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke.

Lupin felt uneasy, picking up on her discomfort. Nevertheless, he tried to maintain a positive attitude.

Lupin: Yes, I am. It appears we both share a rare experience, Pearl. Perhaps we can learn from one another.

Despite her initial shock, Pearl agreed, welcoming Lupin to stay and learn alongside them. Over time, Lupin grew close to the Crystal Gems and became part of their extended family. Together, they faced various challenges while learning more about themselves and their roles in the universe.

Throughout his journey, Lupin discovered the beauty of humanity, compassion, love, and friendship. With these lessons guiding him, Lupin found a sense of belonging and purpose beyond his original programming.

However, Lupin knew he still needed to come to terms with his past and reconcile with his creators, the Diamonds. Only then could he fully embrace his destiny and become the guardian of peace and justice that he was meant to be.

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