10. Truth & the Green Monster.

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Sitting in the lab and doing nothing while Tony and Bruce did a million things at once was incredibly boring, so Mazzy was now trying to find something better to do. So far, she had played about three billion games of tic-tac-toe with herself, and that wasn't cutting it anymore. 

"Daddy," Mazzy huffed, spinning around in her chair. Tony let out a huff, briefly ceasing his work to turn his head and look at her. "I'm bored," Mazzy whined, tossing her head back.

"Find something to do, then," Tony said, turning back to the computer he was working on. 

Mazzy let out a dramatic groan. "But there's nothing to do," she complained. 

"You're in a giant hovercraft in the sky, Maz. There's plenty to do," Tony told her. 

"No, there's not," Mazzy argued. 

"I'm working, Mazzy. Just-" Tony paused, letting out a sigh. He wished he would have sent Mazzy with Pepper, but that wouldn't have really worked out, either, since Pepper was also working. Maybe he should have called Happy and demoted him to the babysitter. He just needed her off of his back. "How 'bout you go and find Natasha, huh? She'll give you something to do," he suggested, knowing how fond of Natasha Mazzy was. 

"Okay!" Mazzy chirped happily, sliding off of her chair and skipping her way to the doorway. Honestly, she was just waiting for him to tell her to go away. She just didn't ask because she wasn't sure if she was allowed to be walking around the place by herself, but since her dad said it was fine, she figured she was allowed to explore. 

The hallways were lit by lights that reminded Mazzy of a hospital, which she didn't like, but she tried to ignore that as she dragged her finger along the walls and made her way down the halls. The place was practically a maze to her. She had no idea where Natasha was or where she would find her, but at least looking for her was something to do. 

Originally, Mazzy would have thought that being on this ship so high in the sky would scare her, but it didn't. She didn't see any windows where she was, so she couldn't even really tell she was in the sky. She just felt like she was in any other building. She also thought there would be plenty to do in a structure so huge, but there was really nothing unless you had a job to do, which Mazzy did not. 

One entertaining thing, though, was figuring out which things were in which doors. Off of hallways, there were some doors and some other hallways, leading to more hallways, more hallways, and more hallways. As she passed them, Mazzy made sure to peek down each hallway and room, just to check if Natasha was in any of them. So far, there was no sign of her. 

However, something other than Natasha piqued Mazzy's interest. And that was the large room to her left. She stopped in her tracks, her shoes squeezing on the shiny, metal floor. She could hear the sound of footsteps on the ground. They were steady and sort of rhythmic. Mazzy could tell it wasn't Natasha, but she wanted to see who it was, anyway. So, she turned and entered the room. 

As soon as she entered the room, the footsteps stopped completely. Stepping further into the room, Mazzy could see the back of a man in a cell. And she knew the clothes he was wearing and the long, black hair on his head. This was Loki. The space magician. 

Her suspicions were indeed confirmed when the man spun on his heel, turning to face whoever he had just heard walk into the room. Upon seeing that it was the little girl from the jet, he furrowed his eyebrows. He wouldn't have guessed they would let her near him. He supposed she was doing it without any of them knowing, which sort of made him like her a little bit more. Curiously, he stepped closer to the glass that separated the two of them, and Mazzy did the opposite, taking a single step backward. 

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