Harry vs Voldemort

Start from the beginning

"Right," Hermione nodded.

"I think enough hate would make me be able to cast it" Ginny raised her hands "My opinion."

"I can see you using the killing curse" Dumbledore looked down at her.

"I don't know if that is bad but thanks" Ginny smiled.

*Nagini slithers*

"Oh that little shit is still alive" Sirius rolled his neck.

"How has no one killed it?" Snape whispers.

"They will," Dumbledore said.

"You say that with confidence," Lucius pointed out.

"Because I am," Dumbledore nodded.

*Ron and Hermione are running*

"Oh how cute" Draco said with a tint of sarcasm.

"Because you dropped the damn thing," Pansy said.

"They can die together and make it Romeo and Juliet," Draco said.

"Dramione is more Romeo and Juliet," Luna said.

"Who asked you to bring that up?" Ron's face contorted into many emotions.

"I just remembered," Luna shrugged.

"Never bring that up" Hermione warned her.

"Never" Draco added for emphasis.

"Disgusting" Lucius coiled.

*Harry and Voldemort continue to hold on*

"They're going strong," Blaise said.

"I like the lightning," Harry said.

"Golden hour" Sirius smirked.

"Not really because this place will erupt into chaos soon" Lupin whispered.

"I have a plan for that" Loki assured them.

*Ron even throws an Avada Kedavra as they fall backwards*

"What the?" Fred gasped, "You just casted an Avada."

"Damn, they're desperate" Pansy noticed.

"Well if you were about to die then you would do anything" Ron shrugged, he was secretly stressed.

"That's sad" Hermione frowned.

"And you guys were saying that Harry couldn't cast the spell?" Pansy looked up.

"Ron is impulsive," Sirius said.

"I am," Ron agreed.

"Of course he would cast the killing curse," Lupin said "Impressive."

"Impressive indeed" Dumbledore smiled.

"It's shocking that this war has come to this" McGonagall frowned.

"It was obviously going to get to that," Snape said.

"VERY obvious" Bellatrix said.

*Neville killed Nagini with the sword of Gryffindor*

The Theater let out a huge gasp, then shock and then screams.

"NEVILLE" Harry jumped.

"Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh" Hermione could only say.

"You did it" Ron started shaking Neville "You did it, you saved us and everyone else."

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