Funny and cute bloopers of Harry Potter

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requested by: Galaxit3

" Ignore their comments Hermione, you are more then just Harry" Loki bows a little. 

" Thank you" Hermione smiles. 

" A bit of a warning as I'm quite sick" Loki floated to the podium " I thought I had Covid but I don't so all will be fine". 

" Don't give it to me" Harry says bluntly. 

" I can't" Loki grew angry " That's not how the multiverse works". 

" The multiverse?!" Luna gasps. 

" Let's just get to the bloopers" Loki clicks play.

"In our dreams we enter completely our own world you know it's completely our own world and we like to we like to swim in the deepest waters" Gambon says. 

" We've already seen this" Luna chuckles. 

" The Fart machine?" Neville tries to remind himself. 

" Cause Daniel fancies a girl" Blaise smirks.

"they had put a fart machine into my sleeping bag" Daniel says. 

" I would never forgive them"  Draco shakes his head. 

" What are you going to do? Quit the Job" Ginny scoffs. 

" I'm not poor, Weasel" Draco reminds her " I can lose a multi-million contract". 

" That would be stupid and a lose of business" Bellatrix tells him. 

" I-wel-oh" Draco is speechless. 

" This whole echo and-" Emma says.

" Michael Gambon has actually been pressing it during the take. I found it" Daniel says. 

" I'd be embarrassed" Pansy says. 

" I think he was Panscake, That's the whole point of the Prank" Ron gapes at her as if she was crazy. 

" Don't look at me like that" Pansy turns away. 

" Why"

" You make me feel unsafe" 

" If anything you should feel unsafe with the Lestrange presence" Hermione shivers. 

" You should" Bellatrix says.

* They're laughing* 

" Why do they laugh like that?" Blaise seems appalled. 

" Who?" Hermione asks. 

" I don't know...their just laughing like... hEhE hEhE" Blaise mimics the laughing. 

The people in his row start laughing about the imitation. 

" I think it's just Gambon" George says." Since their suppose to be saying lines, his voice is louder then the rest which would mean he has a mic".

" That was some great logic, Georgie" Fred reaches out to rub George's head. 

"pocket Daniel will be playing more than galleons my friend we've got eyes on the back of our heads" 

" Yes, we do" Fred smirked. He reached past Narcissa to high-five George. 

" If you just missed hands, you would have hit me" Narcissa says with a tinge of anger in her tone. 

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