II. You Are The Man, Right?

Start from the beginning

Theo's jaw clenches as she reaches the upstairs hall, her bedroom door is cracked open. She had left it close, she always does. The girl pushes her door open the rest of the way and glares harshly. You've got to be fucking kidding me. "Tyler, what the fuck."

Theo's twin, younger by three little minutes, sits at the edge of her made bed. He's got his eyes laser focused on his sister's phone screen. His jaw all clenched and brooding like. Tyler finally looks over at his sister, "You know you have twenty five missed calls from Rafe in the last three days? Sixteen unread messages? And two very mean voicemails from yesterday and this morning. Where the hell even is he?"

How the fuck did he even get into my phone.

Theo's once calm heart is now rattling in her chest. Recently, Tyler is always pushing her buttons, he has been since they turned seventeen.

She just wanted some damn lemonade.

"Liv, is waiting downstairs for you. You're late. You know she hates being late." Theo catches Tyler rolling his eyes, but then a small smile stretches across his lips. He's going to fucking play her. She can see it in the way his jaw ticks and the fire in his ocean eyes. She's going to fucking kill him with her bare hands, and she'll make a show of it too.

"I figured your first statement would be, how the fuck I got in your phone? No?" Yes, that's exactly what she was thinking and they both know it.

Theo glares at the boy, the glass in her hand starting to shake. Her hand is quite numb. "Theo, Rafe's birthday as a code is really fucking cheesy. Even for you."

That's it. He's dead.

"Tyler, give me the phone. I'm serious. It's none of your business." Maybe in some way it is his business, Rafe and Tyler had become the best of friends when Theo brought him home for the first time. They'd been kind of inseparable since then, but the last year and half has dragged them apart and has suffocated Theo in Rafe.

Rafe won't answer Tyler's texts, but can't stop texting Theo and those go unanswered.

Call it favoritism. Call it being straight.

Theo places down her drink, her fingers rubbing into her cold palm. She's trying to stop the pin and needles popping under her skin. It aches.

Tyler continues to smile sweetly at his sister. His curls look a little rouge this morning. "He wants to know why you aren't answering? Of course he does. He keeps saying how fucked it is if you're doing our shit without him. Whatever the hell that means. He hopes you aren't seeing any guys—like that Weston guy. Who the hell is Weston? He also said some stuff about his dad. Which makes him sound a little mental, Ward is dead, Theo. Oh, and a cross? Some guy who might want to buy it? Rose being a bitch, like usual. She threw a glass drink at him this morning, well tried too. She missed. His words not mine. He did mention he missed you, just once, but that was before he got mad you weren't answering him. What cross is he talking about? This shit sounds way too serious for you to know anything about—"

Tyler likes to dumb his sister down every once in a while.

"Tyler, I swear to god. Give me the phone and get the hell out of here. Now."

Tyler rolls his eyes again and stands from the girls bed, phone in hand. "You should really answer him, the voicemails were fucking crazy." Theo tries very hard to bite her tongue. Her phone is inches away from her touch when Tyler snickers and pushes her a little. Theo stumbles back into her dresser, lemonade falls to the floor. The glass shatters on the wood floors instantly. Theo's back slams at the dressers edge and she gasps for air. Tyler is out of the room like lightning towards the stairs when Theo takes everything in. He's so fucking dead. "Tyler, what the fuck! This isn't a game!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29 ⏰

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