It's Pony (Cringe warning 💀💀💀)

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(uh so how do I start this out? Annie looses her phone but uh- I don't write stories, so I'm going to try my best! :D)

(Also does * work?)


Annie is just looking around through her room, throwing pillows left and right, her Mother Helen walks in confused at what is happening, she looks at The red haired (I think I got that word right)

Helen: “are you okay darling? W-Why are you throwing you're stuff around?...did you lose anything important?”

Helen asks in concern, she wants to make sure her daughter has everything right next to her Everytime she needs it, Annie is out of breath, she turns over to Helen worried, not for herself, for her phone

Annie: “I lost my Phone! Where is it? Ugh...”

Helen looks at Annie with a more curious look now, she tilts her head slightly as she smiles softly

Helen: “Oh Annie, I'm sure you'll find your phone soon enough, no need to be so worried...”

Annie looks at her mother like she just gone insane, doesn't she know what her phone has!? It has half of her life in it! (Not literally) but the things she watches and searches is definitely her OWN business, if Pony finds her phone...

Annie: “are you-....Never mind...”

Annie goes silent for a minute or so, she takes a deep breath before continuing on once more

Annie: “ Phone has all of my stuff in it! If Pony gets a hold of it, he might tell everyone what I do! My privacy Mom! MY PRIVACY!”

Helen makes a "hm." Sound, she puts her hand up to her chin as she thinks, she gets an idea and smiles

Helen: “Is it in your pocket?”

Annie looks up at Helen, she looks down and reaches for her jeans, she then feels her phone..., her face goes red in embarrassment.

Annie: “Uh...thanks...”

Helen nods and grabs Some of Annie's laundry out of the basket (I think) and places it down on her bed before turning around, she walks out of Annie's room ignoring the fact her daughter destroyed her room for her "missing" phone, how didn't she feel her phone in her pocket?


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