Dan moved his attention back to his new fan club, Dan’s growth tapered off then ceased, which he was fine with for that moment anyway. He was particularly loving how his new fans had quickly gone from calling him ‘Dan the Man’ to ‘Dan the Damn’. Out of the corner of his eye he could already tell he was over 7 feet tall, when he hadn’t even been 6 feet earlier that even. It was satisfying to him seeing the top of the door frame being eye level. It even gave him inspiration for a photo. His only regret was there wasn’t someone else in his apartment that could pose with him or take photos to show off how big he’d gotten. He couldn’t help but fantasize what he’d do if someone else was there. He didn’t care if they were a girl or guy, he just cared about comparing them to his greatness and how tiny they’d feel against him.

Reading the messages Dan initially frowned seeing the growing tide of comments such as ‘fake’, ‘clearly photoshop’, ‘roids’. Dan couldn’t deny that he had morphed photos of himself and others in the past but he new he wasn’t good enough to pull of morphs that looked as good as his photos. Seeing other comments practically drooling for video, Dan grinned, deciding to kill two birds with one stone. Switching his camera to film mode, Dan live streamed video directly into the chat. “Does this look like photoshop to you?” laughed Dan arrogantly, lift his meaty leg up to rest a now at least size 16 sized foot on the white bathroom vanity. Dan’s jeans bit into his leg as his hamstring moved and bulged threatening to burst the struggling clothing. Relishing the view, Dan curled his left arm, flexing his bicep and bursting the sleeve about it allowing it more freedom to bulge. Switching his phone to his left arm, Dan curled his right arm bursting the sleeve on that side. His polo was now little more than a vest and the guys on the chat were loving it. Grabbing at the shredded shirt, Dan tugged ripping it free to show off his shoulders and traps in all their glory. Dan couldn’t help but laugh and shake his head as despite the live video people were claiming it was just a tiny bathroom, a child’s t-shirt, even after he did a sweep of it with his phone to show everything was normal sized, he was just huge.

Letting out a sigh, Dan decided to take the show back to the bedroom where there was more space. Dan smiled satisfactorily as he hunched down and squeezed his shoulders together to get back out of the bathroom door. He relished the view as his new bigger pecs were bunched up before him. Lumbering back to his room he had to repeat the procedure. Seeing all the love on the chat for the video of him squeezing through the doors. He arrogantly winked at his viewers and flexed a bicep that was now as thick as a fire hydrant. Though he hadn’t been thinking too much about getting bigger, the thoughts had been there in the back of his mind slowly stretching him taller, wider as he bathed in the adoration of the group chat.

Going back his computer, Dan decided to continue the show by switching on his webcam. He allowed the group a nice shot of his new bubble butt as he put down his phone before switching. Before stepping away from the computer he allowed the people in the chat another view. Feeling his pecs he chuckled as his bulge that filled most of the webcam’s view twitched making him somewhat aroused, reminding him of how painfully tight his jeans really were. Grimacing he knew they’d be a struggle to get off. Deciding on an idea that would make a better show and be more pleasurable. Dan headed back to his bed and plopped down on the end of it, making the mattress groan as it sagged. It allowed the users to see their first complete view of Dan. They could see how the chair and the guitar at the end of his bed looked like a child’s next to him, which finally silenced all his doubters.

Smiling devilishly, Dan resumed flexing, posing. Straightening his legs out he let out a pleasurable gasp, a hand raking through his black hair, eyes wide with joy as his thighs bloomed out of his jeans, then his calves. As the black shreds of fabric that had been his jeans fell away, Dan was left just in his blue cotton boxers and a sizeable tent in the front of them arching to one side. I am the biggest, Dan thought smugly as his eyes drank in the thick, substantial mound that he new was his cock. He could feel the heat of it radiating up into his abs, his now bigger, heavier balls churning against his inner thighs. He loved the feeling of his thighs rubbing and swelling together, when he’d been skinny, he had to press them together to make them touch. Now, if with his muscular legs spread, they were so thick his thighs still touched. Dan figured he’d have to be doing splits to keep them apart now. Leaning back, arms outstretched Dan let out of a laugh as his top half now nearly stretched the length of his single sized bed, his back nearly as wide as it. He laughed at how diminutive it was compared to him now. “I’m definitely the biggest now.” Laughed Dan, his thunderous laughter increasing as part of his bedframe snapped under his bulk as he pushed himself back up to a sitting position.

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