The Body inflation Suit and the Inflation Fetish Society

Start from the beginning

The room was filled with an electric buzz as the inflation fans watched what had happened.  Joel reached up and pushed the man’s shoulder as the model turned slowly to show how tightly the suit fit over a thick broad back that swelled out over his tiny waist.  If anybody had the build to show off the crazy suit it was this guy.  The man’s bubbled ass looked painted black by the effect.  Ever bulge of his widely muscled legs stood out as if the man turning before the group stood there naked for all to see.

“Observe,” the big man said.  “There’s an opening in the belly of the suit for easy inflation” Joel squeezed what looked like an outie navel rising out of the stud’s long muscled belly, “as well as openings in the bottom of the suit if that’s your style.”  Joel gave the stud a playful slap on the ass, “but today, we’ll go straight to the … mouth.  You ready to balloon for these nice people, Noah?”  Joel was nothing if not a ham.

The stud smiled revealing perfect white teeth.  “I’m always ready, boss.  Blueberry me.”

“Open wide,” Joel said to his model as he shoved a tube into the man’s mouth.  “There’s no glue on this, so Noah can spit it out at any time he wants.”   Joel grinned at his audience as he let one hand slide down to the model’s waist as the other rested on the backside just above his bubbled ass.  It was as if Joel wanted to draw everyone’s attention to just how tiny Noah was around the waist. “I don’t force my crew to do anything they don’t want to do … not that there’s anything wrong with a forced inflation if you are into that sort of thing.”  Joel winked at his audience as the others broke into nervous chuckles. With that, he opened the valve on the tanks.  “You know the drill, just breathe in,” he said to Noah who sucked on the hose with a look of excitement on his handsome face.  Noah’s cheeks ballooned like a chipmunk’s and then his body began to blow up to the accompanying gasps of those watching.

For a few moments Noah’s muscled body seemed to quickly balloon as if he was hulking out but almost as quickly the inflation seemed to center on his torso as his ripped belly began to pout and then balloon. Joel still stood beside the man as he rubbed his inflating waistline as the stud held his inflating muscled arms back for all to see.  In moments the muscled stud had acquired a 40-inch waist, and was still expanding. The bubble shifted around his backside. It wasn’t like just his belly was blowing up but the entire center of his body was blowing up like a ball.  The balloon ball circled his once tiny waist as everything above and below was growing more muscled looking.  His arms and legs were hulking out for now but would soon be losing their muscled look.  The group gasped and murmured as they watched the stud swell.  The crowd was buzzing as all wondered how this was really happening.  How could a suit inflate when the hose was in Noah’s mouth?  Yet no one could really believe that it was Noah’s body that was actually inflating. That was nuts!  Some of the more outspoken society members began to question Joel.

“The secret is in the magic.  The moment all buttons and zippers are closed, the suit’s magic converts you into a type of living balloon, still alive and functioning, without any side effects.” 

“No Way”, a college aged stud called out.

“Yes way”, Joel grinned back at the stunned faces.  The showman turned to the beautiful rubber clad woman behind him.  “Annie.”  The female model stepped forward as Joel reached up and gave the button hidden in her collar a squeeze.  As had happened minutes before with Noah, Annie’s suit was instantly shrink wrapped to her beautiful form as she gasped and shuttered.  Annie rolled her head back as the suit shrunk around her as she gave her long blond hair a toss.  A couple of the college aged fans feeling the effect of the beers they had downed clapped and cheered as they watched Annie’s suit do it’s thing leaving Annie looking as if she had been dipped up to her neck in liquid rubber.

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