“I know how THAT feels…” Sylvia muttered, glancing back at her still-deep-in-conversation boyfriend, before double taking. “wait, wait wait wait wait, you mean that's actually…?” She said in sudden realisation.

“Oh yeah, totally. Fantastic, isn't it~?” Marie stated rather matter-of-factly, her mischievous smile giving way to a beaming, enthusiastic one.

“You-... I mean-... You can just do that?”

“Of course, basically every girl I know deals with her dating problems like this.”

“What do you mean “every girl you know?” This isn’t just some weird thing you do? Is this some kind of fucked up gen-z trend that I’m too old to have caught when it was new?” Sylvia asked, her flurry of questions increasing in speed as she became more and more bewildered with each new piece of information.

“I mean I found out about it online but I’m pretty sure it’s been around for a good while. You’ve seriously never heard of girls blowing up guys?”

“Oh yeah, now that you mention it I think I saw it on an episode of Loose Women one ti-OBVIOUSLY not!”

“Did it never even occur to you to do it?” Marie asked, her playful attitude slowly changing to her own confusion.

Sylvia began to falter, slowly thinking to herself that maybe there is some kind of appeal to this, even if she couldn’t even begin to imagine what it was. After all, why else would something so abnormal seem so apparently normal?

“No? I mean, not that I can remember at least… I don’t get it.”

Marie went to try and give an explanation before stopping herself as another idea suddenly came to her. With a quick tug on the string in her hand, she yanked down on her balloon’s wrist and brought him down to eye level with the two girls. The string slackened for a moment, before going taut once again as his position equalised. Smiling briefly at the display of his helplessness, she offered Sylvia the string. Sylvia looked at it in confusion for a moment, before tentatively reaching out and grabbing hold of it. She just stared at him for a moment, watching him slowly but noticeably drift around with the breeze in front of her. “Go on, do whatever you want with him. Not like he can do anything about it, at any rate.” Marie chimed in, causing Sylvia to giggle a bit at the balloon boy’s plight. She reached out and touched a surface, gasping a little as his taut skin squeaked in protest.

“Wow, he feels just like a real balloon… Even sounds like one too.” She said in amazement, idly running her hands over every surface she could reach before becoming even more amazed at the realisation that she could just turn him around to get to the bits she couldn’t reach.

“So, waddaya think~?” Marie asked, smiling at the other girl.

“You know, I think I’m starting to get it. He’s just so… full, and round… and helpless.”

“God, I know right? That’s the best part, He’s my toy now. Or, more accurately, he’s our toy~” Marie said, dragging a nail down the boy’s side and listening to his body squeal.

“This is so wild, I didn’t even know people could get this big.” Sylvia said, winding down and enjoying herself but still astounded that any of this was even possible.

“Oh, he can get even bigger than this~”

Sylvia turned her head and stared at Marie in amazement.

“No way.”

“Yes way. Just put your lips to his and start blowing, it’s that easy.”

“Wait, you mean I have to kiss him?” Sylvia said, returning her attention to the balloon boy she held in front of her. “Ah fuck it, he’s probably a better kisser than Wayne anyway.” She said, affixing her gaze into the balloon’s eyes. He looked anxious, yet defeated, like he’d accepted his fate. Then, as if it was as as normal as buying milk and eggs, Sylvia closed her eyes, puckered her lips, pressed them to his and began to blow. It was difficult mustering up enough breath to get a good blow in at first, but eventually her eyes widened in surprise as she felt his skin begin to stretch under her fingers, and a hollow hissing sound ring out from within him. Despite how odd the situation was, she couldn’t help but find it all oddly relaxing. Just when she was starting to get into it, however, the tranquil of the constant hissing was rudely broken.

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